September 27, 2008

Dr. Appt #9 - bigger again!!

So, we had our weekly Dr's appointment and I measured big again (measured 40 cm at 36 weeks!). I also had a jump in weight but I think that had more to do with retaining water - my ankles are so swollen!! The Dr thought it best for us to have another ultrasound to look at the baby and do a measurement of the size (although ultrasound can still be off by up to a pound on size). We have the ultrasound on Wednesday afternoon and then we're back for another Dr appointment next Friday (Oct 3).

Baby Byrne's heart rate was good though and she's moving alot - she seems to be very comfortable in there!

Oct 3 is my last day of work - thank goodness! I'm as big as a house and taking the train in the morning rush hour is an unpleasant experience. Also, just being at work is no fun anymore since I am so tired....can you tell I'm getting tired of being pregnant? The complaining has begun :)

We started our baby preparation classes this week - a group of 12 or so couples all due around the same week (Oct 22 - 31 most of them). We'll go to that every Thursday night even after we have the baby. It's nice to meet other couples who are going though exactly what we are and we'll get to meet all of the babies and all that in the weeks after everyone has given birth. Should be good and will get us out of the house at least once a week with the baby :)

September 21, 2008

Dr Appt #8 - not so shocking

We had our follow-up doctor's appointment for the huge measurement from last week and everything is looking more normal now. I measured 37 cm this week so the Dr said that the larger measurement before could have been the position of the baby or fluid. From now on we go every week so they'll keep an eye on the measurement. If there is a concern later they will send us for another ultrasound.

Had our first baby shower - via long distance phone to Harvey Station NB! Sarah sent us a box of very nice gifts for Baby Byrne. She thought of everything including tea bags and cookies :) she was a great host from 4500kms away or so!

2 weeks left of work for me!!

September 12, 2008

Dr Appt #7 - I am as big as I feel!

We had our 34 week visit to the Doctor today. All is well - my blood pressure is normal and Baby Byrne's heartbeat was a good 140.

I am still measuring big - like the doctor was shocked at the measurement! She actually said "wow!"

I should be around 34 cm at 34 weeks but I measured 39!!! So, instead of going back in 2 weeks we have to go back in one week. If the measurement is still growing then we'll likely be sent for another ultrasound to see what size the baby is. At our 30 week ultrasound she was in the 65 percentile of size - a bit big but not huge. So, we'll see what happens in the next week.

I've also set my last day of work - I will be done on October 3! Only 3 weeks left of work! Then only 3 more weeks to due date - if Baby Byrne waits until then! Adam and I both think she'll be earlier!

September 1, 2008

Nursery - so far

We painted Baby Byrne's room last weekend and this weekend we put the furniture together. We wallpapered and painted my old dresser, too, so now it is Baby Byrne's dresser. We're still working out the layout to fit all this stuff into the room but there are only so many options. Here are some pictures of the colours. We still have alot to do - but we are making progress!

August is over - Dr Appt #6

We've had a pretty eventful August starting with Adam's surgery and ending with Nursery decorating. After Adam recovered we spent a weekend in BC to get away before Baby Byrne arrives - we had a great time, nice drive but man it was hot there that weekend!

We had our 6th Dr. appointment on Friday and everything is still going well. Blood pressure, heart rate both great and I'm still measuring a bit big. The ultrasound said that the size of the baby is just above average though so the Doctor is not worried. She suggested lowering the amount of simple sugars I'm eating since at this point those just make for a bigger baby - so no more sugar cubes for me ;)