Cara had a great week this week hanging out with Daddy who was off all week :) The weather didn't cooperate (it was cold and rainy all week and right now is only 12 degrees!!!) so we didn't get to do as much outdoors as we were planning but we got lots done nonetheless.
We Cara a new carseat this week since she is on the brink of outgrowing her infant seat. We figured she was close to the 22 lb limit and when we took her to the Doctor for her check-up she was 21 lbs! She measured 72 cm long but I think she is a bit longer than that actually. The Dr did a hearing test and she passed (no surprise!) and the Dr was impressed by all of her skills and teeth!
Skills wise, Cara is now waving to anyone and everyone she sees and started clapping this week! She is still crawling all over and cruising around on the furniture and she is trying to stand all on her own now, she'll let go or lean on something with her hip instead of holding on. We went and bought a play table for her to stand at this week too and she is really enjoying that and it takes he focus off the stairs or the coffee table too since it makes noises.
On Wednesday we took advantage of a dry day and went to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary that is pretty close to us. It is a nice park with lots of different birds and animals too. Cara had a good time being pushed around in her stroller and we saw ducks, geese, a deer with 2 babies, a heron and a gray jay and some other birds too. A very nice walk that we will do again for sure.
On Friday we went to a Mom, Dad and Baby BBQ with the folks from our baby group. It was a fun time for Cara seeing the other babies and the Dads since they hadn't seen the babies since they were 3 months old. Everyone was impressed by Cara's skills and size! She is the 2nd heaviest baby and likely the tallest one and of course the most adorable :)
Her 2nd top tooth also has cut through the gum so she's been in some distress with that, now that it is through we're hoping for a couple of good nights' sleep!
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