October 25, 2009

52 weeks! Walking & 1st Birthday Party!!!

What a week Cara has had! We went to a Corn Maze last weekend and had alot of fun, she met some animals in their petting zoo and thought they were hilarious! Then on Thursday we went to the zoo with her buddy Leah and Leah's mom Rebecca and she had a great time there too - she is really aware of the animals and had a good laugh at the monkeys and eagles. That evening (Oct 22) she took her first steps!!! Amazing! We are so proud of her :) She's stepping alot now and doing really well with it!

We had her birthday party on Saturday and she had a blast! Her friend Freya came with her parents Verity & Rod and Nana and Howie came too. We had it between her naps which turned out to make for a perfect day - she was in a very happy mood all afternoon then had a great nap after the party was over. She loved all of her gifts and is so thankful to all of her family for spoiling her :) See all of the pics below!

Thanks everyone for making Cara's birthday so great for all of us! xoxoxo

Cara picking out our pumpkin.

Meeting the goats.

Meeting bunnies up close!

How tall this fall!

Lost in the maze with Mummy??

Lost with Daddy??

Not lost at all :)

Climbing on the hay.

Sharing a cookie with Leah at the zoo.

Playing with her Elmo birthday balloon - she laughs and laughs at this!

The Teddy Bear cake - yummy!

Playing with her party guests!

Birthday Girl!

"it's my party and I'll cry if I want to!"

Much happier with some cheese!

Cara meets her birthday cake...

...she started by picking the smarties off one by one...

...then went for a cupcake ear followed by...

...the chocolate icing nose...

...she really got into it...

...she had a great time...

...then she grabbed her socks and rubbed them into her icing covered face!...

...then she had a bath!

After a clothing change it was present time!

The cards were her favourite part!

She loved all of her gifts :)

And the bows too!

Reading a new book!

She really likes her new farm toy from Mummy & Daddy!

Inspecting her new fun things!

Hanging with her other party guests - Freya and her parents!

1 comment:

  1. Love the steps video and love the cake photos too...you should put those into a slide show!
    XO and Happy Birthday Cara!!
    Aunt Sarah
