January 17, 2010

toasted horsey

Here is Cara showing off all of her animal sounds - when we played the video for her she does the sounds along with it (very cute). She is just starting to do the me-ow and you can tell she is really trying to get it right! Enjoy!

Cara is trying to use her spoon more when eating but usually finds the "dumping" method works better.

Cara has become a really good at sitting on the step and relaxin'!

The big excitement this week was that Cara put the front half of her horse magnet (part of a fridge farm magnet set) into a slot of the toaster and I didn't notice until after the Eggos popped! The toaster survived but the horsey is toast.

A conversation with Grampy this week reminded us that Cara is not really a picky eater and here is proof - she is enjoying salmon!

Cara pretending to be Roy Orbison.

Cara is finally doing her share of the chores!

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