March 28, 2010

First trip to the Dentist and a visit to Canmore...

Cara had a great week! On Friday she and I went to the dentist! Her first check up was a success - no crying and no cavities :) We still have to work on brushing better but the dentist said her teeth look good. And we both scored new toothbrushes!

On Saturday we took a trip to Canmore for an overnight visit with Nana and Howie. This is Cara showing off her beautiful teeth while we strolled around town.

Hangin' with Nana at the bagel shop.

Playing with her new frog - Kiwi.

And luckily Daddy found her a playground to run around!

Enjoying some supper and eyeballing Dad's beer!

On Sunday we got all packed up and went to Banff for lunch.

Where Cara met a moose!

Cara likes to climb and tried out rock climbing with Howie!

March 21, 2010

A Spring trip to the zoo!

We had some nice Spring weather this week so we took a trip to the zoo on Tuesday with our friends Verity and Freya.

Cara really had a blast at the zoo. She loved seeing and pointing at all of the animals! Here she is with an Australian Monitor!

And here Cara is checking out Freya while she napped.

Cara liked running around inside the greenhouse and trying to pick the flowers!

The girls hanging out!

Cara had a great time and fell fast asleep on our walk home.

Another sure sign of Spring are Cara's new sneakers! She looks so grown up now in real big-girl sneaks!

March 14, 2010

Climbing has begun!

This week began with some sadness. We said goodbye to our great Goti on Tuesday - he was 18 years and 1 week old. We miss him but are happy to know that he is not suffering anymore.

Cara figured out a new trick this week - climbing! She climbs into her toy box many times a day...

...and climbs onto the couch alot too!

She gave us lots of smiles this week (she's working on the last teeth to come in but they are very slow).

She loves playing with me and her Daddy. She's getting 2 or more walks out of us a day!

March 7, 2010

The Great Outdoors!

Our sweetie pie :)

Isn't she just adorable?

Cara has really fallen in love with going outside - she brings her shoes, coat and mittens to us and then goes to the door and bangs on it. She even does this after just coming in from a walk! An outdoorsy girl!

We had another fun trip to the playground. Cara had a good spin in this cup then took 2 steps and fell over from being dizzy!

She loves going down the slide!

She likes to try on Mummy's slippers.

And Mummy's shades too! Notice her hair is filling in - that yellow puff is a hair clip :)