March 7, 2010

The Great Outdoors!

Our sweetie pie :)

Isn't she just adorable?

Cara has really fallen in love with going outside - she brings her shoes, coat and mittens to us and then goes to the door and bangs on it. She even does this after just coming in from a walk! An outdoorsy girl!

We had another fun trip to the playground. Cara had a good spin in this cup then took 2 steps and fell over from being dizzy!

She loves going down the slide!

She likes to try on Mummy's slippers.

And Mummy's shades too! Notice her hair is filling in - that yellow puff is a hair clip :)


  1. a stylin' girl!
    xo aunt sarah

  2. She is a cutie! And she has such BIG feet! These are great shots! Thanks. Grampy

  3. Maggie is also obsessed with going outside. She likes wearing her rubber boots around the house. Deborah
