May 30, 2010

Bad bad weather

Cara had a good week in spite of the bad weather we've been having. It rained and snowed (yes snowed) all week and was quite cold so we were inside most of the week colouring, playing, dancing and napping. On Thursday we got out to our neighbor's house for a play date with little Cassidy and Cara had fun there playing with a new set of toys.

On Sunday it had stopped raining so we thought we'd go for a walk. It was only about 2 degrees so we had to bundle up - Cara was in total disbelief of having to wear mittens on May 30!

Once she realized that it meant we were going outside she was happy!

She is pretty happy these days. She started putting some words together this week like: "more cheese", "more drink", "more cookies" and "all done" (she says "all done" at mealtime after she piles everything onto her plate). We are really enjoying the communication!

Baby Byrne #2 is doing fine. We have our 18 week ultrasound on Friday June 4!!! So hopefully we'll find our if it is a girl or a boy! Stay tuned for an update and Baby Byrne #2's first baby photos! I'm feeling totally fine now, no more nausea or extreme tiredness :)


  1. I just read the blog, and to quote Cara, "All done!"

    XO Aunt Sarah

  2. I don't know if I'll put picture 2 or picture 3 on the living room montage. Before and after photos are great and these two are exceptional! What a lovely smile!
