July 18, 2010

Cara's 2010 Stampede Week

Stampede week this year was a bit of a cold mess - we had a severe storm come through on Monday that brought down some really big hail! I saved a variety of the sizes that flew down to show Adam and Cara. Very loud and woke Cara up :( But no damage :)

On Wednesday we went to the annual Stampede BBQ at Adam's work. Cara got dressed up for the occasion!

Cara had a good time at the BBQ. She liked the large army trucks but also really liked the pylons.

And she loved the bouncy house they had for the kids!

Cara and I took swimming lessons everyday this week (which was totally exhausting for me but also fun). Here she is on Friday getting ready to go to the final class.

Cara passed the course! She was so happy (see the tears in her eyes?!). Actually she wanted to play with the sticker she got and was not in the mood for a picture. She did really great in class - she is very brave in the water!

After morning swim class we all went to the Stampede grounds to take it in. Cara really liked these baby chicks that were only one day old!

She practiced riding a horse.

Checked out some goats.

Had some milk and cookies after seeing some cows.

And tried some deep-fried dill pickles! They were one of the culinary "highlights" at this year's Stampede but only one booth sold them and it took forever to find them...in the end not really worth the search. But they were the end to a fun day :)


  1. The bouncy house Happy Cara is a delightful picture! Such glee! Not many more sleeps before you are all East! Grampy

  2. Holy Snow Globe Batman, that's some hail!
    Glad it didn't have any negative effects on our little cowgirl.
    XO Aunt Sarah
