November 14, 2010

Gwen Rebekah is born!

At 3:44am on November 9, 2010 Gwen Rebekah Byrne was born! After our ultrasound on Monday we were sent to the hospital for another test. We took Cara to our neighbour's house until we knew what was happening and then Nana went to get her. After the test at the hospital they wanted to induce labour and so that's what we did. Things started at 5:30pm on Nov 8 and we finally had our little girl the next morning! A Birthday present for Nanny Byrne!

Gwen weighed in at 7lb7oz and was 21 inches long! To us she seemed so tiny compared to Cara but the nurses were telling us that she was a good big baby.

She was nice and alert and we all had some good snuggles.

Daddy with his 2nd little girl :)

We got moved to our postpartum room (a private room!) and Gwen stayed nice and quiet.

Later on, Daddy brought Cara to the hospital to meet Gwen. She was very happy to be a big sister.

Gwen was pretty relaxed in hospital and let her Mummy get some rest.

She is very stylish and is wearing clothes now that are way to big but hardly fit Cara.

Love for Daddy.

All dressed up to go home!

Coming home!

Cara welcoming Gwen home.

Gwen is a great sleeper so far and lets us put her down :)

Cara sharing her toys with Gwen.

Gwen snoozin'

First bath.

Not so relaxed anymore!

All warmed up and back to calm Gwen.

Smokey is slowly realizing that there is a new person in the house.

Gwen 4 days old.

Hockey Night in our house! Daddy and his girls watching the game.

Awake time!

5 days old. Cara asked to hold the baby today! She enjoyed holding her and did a few more times.

Sister love :) no kisses yet though!


  1. Congratulations of beautiful baby #2! Can't wait to meet her some day! Looks like Cara is going to be a great big sister :)
    Hugs to all of you!

  2. Gwen is a picture! And seeing Cara holding her little sister is a great sight! I now have to rearrange the living room collage of grandchildren! I'll enjoy doing this. When #6 arrives in January I will have a matrix of 6 across and 8 down - so 8 4x6 of each one! Great memories! Grampy

  3. That sweater fits Gwen perfectly! I'm glad I found it to send along.
    I love the open eye photos. She's so cute.
    XO Sarah
