February 7, 2011

Groundhog Day!

We were outside to play in the snow alot this week. Gwen doesn't like the wind so she snuggles in the front carrier with me and Cara rolls around in the snow...careful to avoid the yellow snow.

Balzac Billy (Alberta's "groundhog" - really a guy in a costume) saw his shadow so look for at least 6 more weeks of wintery pictures from us!


Gwen is sleeping very well for us. Napping in the swing and sleeping in her crib with usually only one wake up!

Gwen eying Daddy's pizza.

Cara loves Friday-night-pizza-night! This week was Hawaiian :)

We finally got some hair accesories for Cara's goldi-locks. She is showing off her barrettes here (and she has a ponytail too!) Looks so grown up!

Gwen and her Bear-Bear (thanks Caleb and Lucas!) They are almost the same size!

Cara and Violet (thanks Caleb and Lucas!) She really loves her!


  1. very pretty girls :) Can't wait to see the ponytail!
    XO Aunt Sarah

  2. Cara with Violet is charming and so is Gwen with her peek-a-boo. Thanks for these! Grampy
