May 8, 2013

Gwen's First Sleepover

 Friday was a fun day.  Daddy was off work and it was a nice sunny, warm day.
The girls were both much better after their illnesses last week so we loaded up the wagon and walked down to the playground.
 Gwen had so much fun.  She is independent enough now to run around and climb by herself.
 The girls had a friendly game of hopscotch or as Gwen calls it: numbers!
 It was a good first day at the playground!
 Friday was also a big day because it was a Sleepover at Nana & Howie's Day!
Cara's been before but it was Gwen's first night away from home!
 They were so excited!
 And thanks to Nana's photos there is proof of the fun that was had.
 They especially enjoyed the jacuzzi tub - aka the bubble tub!
The girls had a great time and can't wait to go back.
Maybe next time Mommy won't be fighting a sinus infection and can get a good sleep out of the deal :)
Also celebrated this week: May 4th - Star Wars Day!
May the Fourth Be With You.


  1. What a fun sleepover! I look forward to the NB edition this summer ;)
    Love the pic where Gwen has a flower pot on her head! LOL Those girls have so much personality - and it comes out in every shot.
    May the 4th, to you too (belated).
    XO Sarah

  2. What fun -- a sleepover! You know your girls are growing up when they can pack their suitcase and enjoy a sleepover like that! I'm sure the next time will be as much fun -- and more! - Grampy
