July 14, 2015

June 2015

June started with a field trip for Gwen's preschool class to Butterfield Acres.
A petting farm in Calgary that has very tame and friendly animals that love to see kids.
 Except this horse who is maybe allergic to kids...just after this he SNEEZED IN GWEN'S FACE!
It was so gross I took a quick pic then washed her face!
 She petted bunnies.
 Petted lambs.
 Gwen and her bff Sidney played.
 Gwen the farmer!
 More playing.
 The goats loved her and she loved the goats!
 Buddies with their mommies.
 Later that week was "Bike To School" week at Cara's school.
Their friends Leah and Sidney met us at our house and all the girls biked together.
 Cara and Leah chatting on the way.
 It was raining by the end of the day so it was a wet ride home!
All the schools in Calgary did this on the same day - anyone who biked got their name in a draw and Cara won a prize!  She won a new nice bike helmet! Woohoo!
 Gwen had a snuggly day that week - she maybe caught something from that horse sneeze ;)  She was a little hoarse or horse??!!??  hahaha!
She was fine though nothing serious.

Gwen making funny faces in the mixer bowl on a cookie making day.
 Cara finished up her Basketball lessons.
 She's a star!
 Gwen was very proud of Cara.
 Cara's class went on a field trip to Ralph Klein Park - a man-made wetland on the edge of Calgary.
Mommy got to go along as a volunteer!
 We collected creatures out of the wetland in a bucket.
Then we separated the creatures to get a closer look.
So many wiggly things live in a wetland!
 June 13
We went to the airport to meet our important visitors!
Aunt Deborah, Uncle Jason, Cousins Isaac, Maggie and Eamon were here!
 Sisters reunited!
 Cousins who met as little babies got reacquainted.
 Then all the cousins had a light saber fight!
 Nana and Howie came for visiting and a BBQ in the rain and so did Jamie and Leah!
 Nana got this group shot at our park.
 June 14 we all went to the Zoo - it was threatening more rain.
 The kids liked the Dinosaurs Alive! robots!
 With an Iguanadon.
 Sliding down a dinosaur skull.
 Isaac had a lucky close encounter with a Hippo!
 Another group shot of the cousins.
 It got nice and sunny for awhile.
The zoo really helped the cousin bonding.
 And Uncle Jamie came along too!
 It was so nice we got ice cream and Screamers (slushy with soft serve ice cream in it)
then it started really raining hard! So we went inside.
 We saw Komodo Dragons.
 Saw the butterfly garden.
 Posed for lots of pictures!
 The Zoo Crew!
 Group shot with Jamie!
 That night we had a fire in the backyard.
 The kids had somersault races before S'mores.
 A new culinary adventure - S'more Taco!
 On Monday Isaac and Maggie walked Cara to school before they went to Lethbridge to see Nana and Howie for a couple days.
Gwen made this at preschool - she's hilarious.
 When the cousins came back we introduced them to America Ninja Warrior!
 The next day we had a group breakfast then the Andersons had to go :(
Let's not wait another 4 years!  So happy they came for a visit!
 Gwen finished up her ballet classes and gave a great show for Mom and Dad.

 She can't wait to dance again in the fall!
 Rainy June means lots of mud for Gwen to play in while we wait for Cara to come out of school.
 Cara lost a tooth at school!
She's been wanting to do that all year!
 Puddle jumping Gwen or flying?
 Cara can fly too!
 The last week of school they had a Stampede pancake breakfast for families before school started.
 Early morning pancake picnic with friends!
 Cosmo is good - he hangs out in windows and by the screen door alot.  He isn't that interested in going outside so that is good.  He had a sore tail but that is all better now :)
 Cara got invited back to Lloyd's Roller rink for another birthday party!
 Roller skating buddies.
 While Cara partied Gwen went to the pet store and watched some lizards.
 We celebrated Daddy on Father's Day - the girls made this great shirt and breakfast in bed.
The "big girls" Cara and Leah waiting for the "little girls" Gwen and Sidney's final preschool concert to start.
Gwen the preschool graduate!
They performed lots of songs for all the parents - Gwen is a natural performer she sings loudly and with dramatic flair!
Gwen and Sidney post concert.
Such a cutie in her sailor dress!
To start the summer Gwen wanted a haircut at a hairdresser (her first time!)
She got a cute bob that was just what she imagined.
Cara on the last day of school.
Rode her bike!
Cara's journal entry from school about the Anderson's visit.
Last day of school!
The 4 friends!
The perfect start to summer vacation - a hot day, pool and sprinkler and a fruit salad!
To celebrate the end of school we went to Boston Pizza for supper then took the girls to Build-A-Bear Workshop and they got to choose new stuffies and fill them and dress them.
And pledge to love them forever and all that.
They loved it and are still very happy they finally (!) got to go to that store!
The next day they brought their new buddies to the playground.
Yes that's a dinosaur wearing a tshirt and skirt - her name is Raptor!
And Gwen's is a teddy bear wearing a bikini (that Gwen calls a zucchini!!) named Lovey!
So much fun in the sprinkler and sunshine!
Summer is just beginning and we have had lots more adventures in July already so I'm going to start the next post very soon to do the first half of July.

1 comment:

  1. Mid way through a bunch of photos lost their link and wouldn't show a larger view I could copy.
    Adam's t-shirt is terrific!
    The sprinkler system in the back yard looks refreshing...!
    Thanks, Grampy
