June 23, 2008

Dr Appt #3

We went to our third Dr's appointment on Friday. Still feeling great and healthy! My blood pressure was great and I'm measuring a bit big! Just a couple of cm though, likely a growth spurt and not a giant baby!!! We were happy to hear the heartbeat again - it was good and strong.

We found out that we get to have another ultrasound - around 30 weeks. Apparently our 18 wk ultrasound showed a "low lying" placenta. The next ultrasound will make sure that it has moved up and is not in the way for a normal delivery. In most cases when it is seen early it moves away by 30 weeks and is not a big deal. We're not too worried about it - I haven't had any symptoms of problems so we'll just take the opportunity to see Little Baby Byrne one more time!

In a couple of weeks I go for more bloodwork and then we're back at the Dr in 4 weeks. Here is my belly shot at 22 wks 3 days.

June 12, 2008

Our Trip to NB

The three of us had a great trip home for Aunt Sarah and Uncle James's wedding. The weather was great and it was so great to see everyone at the wedding. We also had a great time at home in Quispam - it's always nice to get home and relax!!

This pic is us at a lake somewhere in NB near Harvey Station. It was a great location for the bride and groom to have pictures taken and we got a couple in as well. This is at 20 weeks and 2 days pregnant.