June 26, 2009

Week 35 - Father's Day

Cara and Adam had a great first Father's Day :) She gave her Dad a Wii that is Adam setting it up above - it is very fun :)

On Wednesday Cara and I hosted the Baby group get together here and Cara showed off her crawling skills - some other babies were pulling themselves up and once everyone was gone Cara crawled over to the steps and pulled up! Then crawled to the coffee table and pulled up...the coffee table is like a baby-magnet she loves it! Cara is having alot of fun exploring and we are planing our baby-proofing strategy for this weekend.

Cara sleep continues to be all over the place - she is in the habit of waking up after a couple hours of sleep and being wide awake for 2 or 3 hours...not so fun but hopefully it will be over soon and she will go back to her longer streches of sleep.

Cara and her friend Leah playing at the Baby Group.

Cara and the baby-magnet!

Cara loves to read.

Standing in the playpen - a new trick she learned today!

I was in the kitchen making a grocery list and when I turned around Cara was peaking over the edge looking at me...first time she stood in the playpen!

June 19, 2009

34 weeks - Crawling!!!

So, Cara started crawling last weekend - she was so close for so long but couldn't figure out to move her arms...well, she figured it out and loves moving around now! Lord, help us! She hasn't gone too far yet since when she gets on the hardwood floor it gets slippery but I'm sure she'll have that figured out soon enough!

She was napping really good this week in her crib but nights have been hit and miss. Supposedly that happens around 8 months and hitting so many developmental milestones so now that crawling is figured out maybe she'll go back to sleeping most of the night! We are TIRED!!!

We booked our trip to NB for August so we are looking forward to showing Cara the Maritimes!

I left her on the blanket and came back to find her like this!

Enjoying some toast for breakfast.

Trying out our newest carrier (a Babyhawk) we LOVE it!

Sitting up in the tub.

Drying off after the bath!

June 13, 2009

33 weeks - SNOW!?!?!

How disgusting is snow in JUNE??!!?? There wasn't much but still, snow is just wrong in June! Cara has yet to live a month without snow! Hopefully there won't be anymore until October!

Cara was feeling much better this week - no barfing! We went to the doctor for her 7 month check up and she is all good - she weighed 18 lbs! The doctor was pleased with her growth and thought the puking may have been just over eating so we've scaled back the amount of solids she gets and so far so good!

Cara and I also went for a visit to my old office to say hello to everyone which was nice. We took the bus downtown and back and Cara was very good :) We also had a Baby & Mom's group this week and Cara had a great time seeing all of her friends - they all play together and watch each other now which is very cute.

Best of all Cara slept for 10 hours straight last night!!! A new record!

Playing ball with Daddy!

Back to enjoying supper time!

Enjoying her squash a little too much! It was everywhere!

So happy!

She is very proud of herself when we play ball.

June 5, 2009

32 weeks - a trip to Heritage Park

We had another gorgeous, sunny week here in Calgary! We took a family trip to Heritage Park on Sunday - it is sort of like Kings Landing in NB. We had a good time out in the sun. Cara had a good nap in her sling while we were there and when she was awake she enjoyed looking at all the new sights and people...although in the farmyard area she enjoyed all of the animals except the sheep! The sheep had 2 lambs and she was baa-ing a lot and loudly which Cara did not like! After a few baa-s she got very upset and we had to move on to the chickens which she enjoyed much more since they were quiet!

Cara's run of good sleeps took a break this week and she had me up more than normal most nights...we're still blaming teeth...we will blame teeth until they are all in! And she was sick for a day - but is all better now. She has a doctor's appointment on Monday so we'll find out her weight then - she feels like she's much heavier than the last weigh in!

It was Quilt Day at Heritage Park! There were quilts EVERYWHERE!!!

Cara enjoyed the quilts :)

Cara did not enjoy the sheep!

Taking a break with Daddy in the station house.

Having a nap in the caboose.

Waking up from a nap by the horses.