March 28, 2011

Gwen's 4 month shots and passport photos!

A serious princess :)
We had the girls' passport photos done this weekend so before we went we had Cara practice not smiling for a photo. It worked and it only took 2 shots to get a good one for her passport.

Gwen was pretty good too. She took a few more shots to get a keeper but not bad for a 4.5 month old!

Cara had a lunch guest this week. Lion joined her and she thought he looked like he needed some spaghetti.

We also made some really awesome play dough this week. It is as good as the real stuff! Cara has been having lots of fun sculpting and cutting out shapes.

Gwen is doing great. She had her 4 month shots on Friday (even though she is 4.5 months). She weighed in at 18lb 2oz and was 24 3/4 inches. She is above the 97th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for length...hence her round appearance :) We love her cuddles! She is rolling over to her tummy all the time now and lifting her head way up now.

Thursday was Daddy's last day of work so we celebrated with pizza and cupcakes! He is off now until end of May and we're very happy to have him home with us (even if it is snowing).

On Friday Cara had a check-up at the dentist. She was awesome. As you can see she laid in the chair and had her teeth polished and poked at. She followed the hygienist's and dentist's instructions and did fantastic. The dentist said she had perfect teeth :)

Daddy and Cara trying out the kid carrier that Daddy borrowed from a co-worker. Once it gets nicer we're going hiking!

Wet snow finally fell so Cara and Daddy attempted a snowman...the snow wasn't quite right yet so it was a snowman-lump. The snow was great today though so look for a pic of our much improved and gorgeous snowman they made today on next week's update!

March 21, 2011

St Patrick's Day

Gwen continues to keep rolling...back to front then she is stuck!

She tried out the Jolly Jumper this week too. She is a great jumper!

Cara wanted a turn in the Jolly Jumper...instead we played Ring Around the Rosie!

Cara liked the "all fall down part"!

Happy St Patrick's Day!
All dressed in green!

Cara is a happy Irish Lass!

Gwen in her green St Paddy's diaper!
(to compare with Cara on her first St Patrick's Day click here.)

Byrne girls!

Cara dancing with Daddy!

A video of Cara and Gwen playing "Ring Around the Rosie", some jumping from Gwen and Cara jumping into the couch cushions that were once a tent but she found jumping into the pile of cushions a lot more fun! Enjoy!

March 14, 2011

Gwen is 4 months old!

Gwen is getting so grown up now. She's started joining us for supper.

She is napping in her crib during the day now.

And is putting herself to sleep some nights without crying! She's even had a few 12+ hours of straight sleeping - such a sleeping champ!

Cara is being a good girl and has a new goal of cleaning her plate at meal times.

And now that her hair is filling in we are enjoying getting all girly with the accessories :)

Gwen has really been trying to roll (back to front) for a while now. She'd get to her side and grunt and groan but not get all the way over.....

Well, that changed today!!! She is on a roll now! She did a flip this afternoon and has done a few more since too. Growing up!

March 7, 2011

Time to burn off energy!

Since we were still in a deep freeze this week we needed to get out and do some running around. We went to an indoor play park with our friends Rebecca and Leah. Cara and Leah are taking a break from all the playing they did.

Gwen taking a break too ;)

Cara running around!

Cara climbing!

On Friday we went to the mall with Nana. Cara had a good play there too in their kid area. (Thanks to Nana for the pictures!)

Cara burning off some cabin fever!

Gwen - sleeping :)

Cara "resting" on the moose!

Chowing down on a chocolate egg!

A girl who likes shoe shopping!

Back home to the table for some colouring.

Sweet little, Gwen. She's getting stronger all the time - getting her head up higher and she likes sitting upright now. She is kicking her feet up too so rolling might be in the near future.

Those cheeks are heavy though!
She is sleeping really well (10+ hours a night un-interrupted!!)

Cara trying to jump for a picture :)