October 11, 2016

August 2016

 Happy New Brunswick Day!
August arrived with some sunshine!
 Cara started a day camp on the holiday Monday so Gwen, Daddy and Mom went to a great park to do some Pokemon hunting and chin ups!
 Cara did a week long Theatre camp and Gwen did a clay sculpture class.
 Cara's finished with a production by the kids.
Cara is the one with a mask - she's a lion at Moira's Birthday.
 Dance break!
 She really enjoyed creating her character and being in a play.
 Final bow!
 The star with the poster she designed.
Our backyard garden was producing some yummy veg for our lunches and snacks - so many snap peas!
 The girls made some nature bracelets.
 Summery jewellery.
 We had a fire so had to have smores!
 We took a day trip to Drumheller to visit the dinosaurs.
 The girls love it there.
 We had to wait in line to get into the museum!

 Cara found an amolite.
 In the prehistoric garden.
 Family in the mirror pic.
 Almost ankle high to a dinosaur!
 A fun visit through the museum.
 We just had to climb the giant t rex in downtown Drumheller...there was a line there too!

A nice warm day and the girls just had to wade in the fountain.
Gwen loves splashing!
 Until next year Drumheller!
 Cara has wanted to go canoeing for awhile.
Bowness Park now rents canoes - so we went canoeing!
 Our playground across the street had had a sign for a few months that it was slated to be replaced.
One day in August we woke up to diggers and dumptrucks...and our park was gone...
 A week earlier we ordered this swing set for the girls so they can play in the background more...it just so happened that it arrived the day before the playground across the street got removed!
Super lucky timing - thanks amazon!
 So even though our playground was gone we had our own personal set in our own backyard :)
The girls played water ballon pinata!

 We got some baby things back to pass on to Jamie and Leah - Gwen still fits in her bassinet!
 The girls took swimming lessons for 2 weeks in August.
We had to go to the local drive in after class one day!
 We got to the beach!
 Sikome Lake - always fun.
 Gwen and the turtle.
 Turtle loves to swim.
 We built sandcastles - this was for the good guys.
This was for the bad guys.
 We took a day trip to Head-Smashed In Buffalo Jump.
 Cara learned about it at school and wanted to see it.
 Very windy on the ridge.
 Exploring in the museum.
 Family Selfie!
 Keepin it real....not all selfies work out :)

 Daddy/daughters day at Calaway Park!
 They had a great time!
 Sister truckers.
Mom and Rebecca did the Calgary Womens 5k run.
 The girls are great at cheering Mom on!
Poppies in the garden.

August was great and we had lots of fun.
September brings the start of 
grade 3 and grade 1!

October 1, 2016

July Adventures

 After we got home from vacation we were bored so we went to Calaway Park!
 Inside the Spinning Strawberry!
 Mommy and Cara on the swings.
 Daddy and Gwen on the Driving School car.
 The city of Calgary had a pilot project of using goats in a park to help control invasive plants.
On the last weekend they invited the public to come see the goats.
 We met the girls' friends there.

 So many goats and so many people!
 Cosmo survived while we were away.  He prefers water from a drain and doesn't mind water dripping on his head.
 July 11 is 7-11 day - free slurpees!!
 The annual Stampede lunch at Dad's work!  Yahoo!
 Two gals and an army truck.
 We planned a day to go to the Stampede grounds.
But it was raining.
We went anyway with ponchos and umbrellas.  But oh man, did it rain hard.
We did some exploring inside hoping the rain would clear off.
 We watched these awesome dirt bike riders doing tricks.
 They were amazing!
 Then the rain just wasn't letting up...so we ventured out in the downpour for corndogs and chicken wraps from lunch.  We sheltered under a small tent to eat.
 After lunch we thought the sky looked lighter so we walked down to the ride area and were told that as long as it was raining no rides were running...then the rain stopped!  We were first in line as the rides opened!
 Some seats were still wet but that was ok...we went on as many rides as we had coupons for before the next rain cloud could come!
Right before we did this ride we saw lots of security and then we noticed that PM Trudeau was on this ride with his daughter.  He moved on and we went on the ride.

 Then we went to go on the yellow submarine...and who was riding it?

PM Trudeau and his daughter!  
Mommy and the girls were sitting right in front of them and got to say hello!
 Our brush with a dignitary over, the girls kept riding.
 Until the coupons were gone!

 The rain was holding off and it was time for the Splash n Boots show!
Not a big crowd so we got front row centre!
 Boots came down in the audience during an animal sounds song...talked to Gwen who said "hippo" her favourite animal...Splash made a very funny sound for a hippo!
 Boots asked Cara for an animal too - Cara said "lion" and Splash broke into "The Lion Sleeps Tonight".  It was great fun!
 They did a meet and greet after the show!
 A traditional ride on the carousel.
 Dad played a game and won!
Gwen enjoying a Wagon Wheel.
 Gwen's prize from her game - a crown for the princess.
We toured the agriculture building during another down pour.
Cara gave this cow an exam!
(fake cow)
 It all seemed too real to Gwen!
Shoulder deep lol!
 Not the usual blue sky sunny day of Stampede - thank goodness for that tent!
 Dad and Mom - we just got to watch the kids on most of the rides!
 Walking in the rain.
 Tried a new Stampede food - Chips on a Stick!
 July 23 - Dad's Birthday
 We love birthdays!
 The girls did Vacation Bible School again this year.
They had a great time as usual!
 Another trip to Calaway Park!
 Dad and the girls on the Egg Ride.
 Cara's favourite - the swings.
 Gwen's big enough for this one now.
 During a walk at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.
 We went to the zoo and had to see the dinosaurs!
 The moving and roaring T Rex!
 Smiling twins :)
 Sister love
 Cara in a pile of dino poo.

 Gwen and her hippo friend.
 She loves these guys.
 We got to see the new gorilla baby too.
 And a peacock.
Gwen tried to catch a butterfly in the butterfly house.
 And this owl was watching us closely.
A great day at the zoo and a great July!

August up next!