March 27, 2014

Visitors From the West Coast!

March 8 our visitors from Vancouver arrived!  Sarah brought Connor and Simon for a visit to Calgary!
On Sunday we took them to the Calgary Zoo.
The girls were good tour guides :)
This was our week off of Winter.  Lovely warmth and sunshine stayed for their visit.
We visited the giraffes.
and the lions.
Daddy took them up to the top of the gorilla exhibit for a bird's eye view.
The kids all tossed coins in the fountain and made wishes.
Simon had a cracker!
The big kids with the best group shot at the Ganesha statue.
Being elephants with the elephants!
Simon's first ride on a carrousel (and on a holler monkey!)!
Lots of dress up happened during the week.
Uncle Jamie came by to be smothered with niece and nephew love!
Nana arrived back from Hawaii with time to visit 4/7 grandchildren in one spot.
Saturday morning cartoons :)
Simon - 7 months old.
Connor - 4.5 years old.
The Brothers McIntyre.
Aunt Sarah and all the kids.
Gwen really loved having a baby around.  And Simon really liked being petted by Gwen :)
Simon in the swing at the playground.
Winter was coming back - we had some over night snow the night before they headed back home.
Simon and his Aunt Mary.
We had a great visit.  Lots of catch up time since it had been about 2.5 years since we'd been together.
Now it is our turn to go West to explore Vancouver with the McIntyres!

March 21, 2014

Disney On Ice

We're going to catch up on things we've been up to since March started!

We had some great visitors for a week but before they got here we went to see Disney On Ice!
The girls love watching Disney Junior on tv and always saw ads for Disney On Ice but there was never a show in Calgary.  So when we saw that this one was coming we had to get tickets.

This was the Passport to Adventure show and it included Mickey & Friends then did a compressed story of The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Lilo & Stitch and Peter Pan.
There were great costumes and effects.  The girls were in awe!
Prince Eric saved the day from the giant Ursula!
Lots of fun :)
Cara had her favourite treat - a snow cone but in a fancy cup and Gwen tried a snow cone and loved it!
Peter Pan tried to catch his shadow.
And the Darlings could fly!
Mickey is a great skater.

Lions from The Lion King.
After the show we went to Boston Pizza and there was a roving balloon sculptor visiting tables - Gwen got a pink flower.
Cara got a blue butterfly!

We had a great time.
Cara also went on her first school field trip that week to the Telus Spark Science Centre.  She loved learning about tornados and hurricanes and also getting to eat lunch with her class and riding on a bus!

Another update will be up soon all about our visit with Aunt Sarah, Cousin Connor and Cousin Simon.

March 6, 2014

Fairytale Ball

 Cara's whole school  had a Fairytale Ball last week.  All the kids went dressed as a fairytale character and Cara chose Rapunzel (she's been wanting to wear Gwen's Rapunzel wig somewhere since Halloween!)  Gwen was very generous and lent her costume to Cara.
 Cara was very excited - they had been practicing ballroom dancing for the Ball and also all the kids learned the Macarena!
She also learned to curtsy!
The kids did a bit of dancing at the end of the day for the moms.
The wig became a burden during the ball - so Rapunzel had a hair cut!
Daddy makes the most beautiful princess of all though.

We are gearing up for some visitors that are coming - Aunt Sarah and Cousins Connor and Simon are flying over from Vancouver on Saturday for a week.  We are SOOOO excited to see them and meet baby Simon.
Lots of pics will make it to the blog I'm sure.