February 4, 2017

January 2017

We started the New Year off with a family photo.  Cosmo had enough.

He was probably tired of all the craziness.

Gwen's ready for 2017!

It's going to be a great year!

The kids were wearing purple to celebrate a made up day called Smithy Purple Day.  We had a new game for Christmas and they started talking about Smithy Purple, so they made a day with songs.

Cara's song is pretty clever if you are familiar with the card game Dominion.

Gwen showing off the hat Mom made for her.  She's a great model.

Cara had a playdate with her bud Abby.  Abby changed schools so we'll miss her.

Gwen's reading is progressing so fast.  She can read almost anything now.  Pretty impressive and she is very proud of herself.

After a long break, Cara finally lost another tooth.  Look at that toothy grin!

Mary made this blanket over the last year.  It took a a lot of work but the end result was a pretty awesome crocheted blanket.

The girls' school teaches a lot about customs in other cultures, and Chinese New Year was no exception.  To celebrate, they enjoyed a feast their mom made.  It was a big hit.

One pair of our kid chopsticks broke, so Cara used real ones.  She needs a bit of practice.

After supper we were treated to a Chinese New Year play by Gwen and a dragon dance by Cara (with some help from Gwen).  It was phenomenal.

It finally warmed up so the kids had some fun in the backyard.  T-shirt and snowpants is a Calgary specialty!