February 27, 2012


Cara and Gwen having some laughs!
At groceries this week Cara thought that sardines would be a good treat.  She had heard in a book that penguins like sardines and she wanted to try them (is this kid weird or what!?!).  So she chose some sardines in tomato sauce and we brought them home.
Gwen thought "WHAT is that smell?!?!"
Cara loved her sardine sandwich.  She opened it up to eat all the fish first!  This might become a weekly "treat".
Cara's hair had grown long into her eyes again so this time Mommy thought she'd try trimming Cara's bangs. Cara was very good and stayed very still.
Gwen watched with wonder...wondering when it will be her turn.
Gwen  is saying a lot of words now - we'll try to get a video this week.  Her favourite words are: "Melmo" (for Elmo), "cheese", "mama", "dada", "nite nite", "bye bye", "baa", "moo", "sure" and something that sounds like "thanks"!

February 20, 2012


We recovered from our illness and we felt so good that we went skating!
Bowness Park is a great place to skate and Cara had a lot of fun.  She is really good on her bob skates and doesn't mind falling too much.
Gwen got pushed around on the ice in her stroller but she wants to skate too!  Snacks helped distract her enough for everyone to get some skating time in.
Cara doesn't smile much while skating but she really does have fun!
Taking a break by a fire pit.  
Something about this mischievous looks reminds Mummy of Aunt Deborah.
Gwen eating her favourite snack: frozen peas.  
She has another tooth coming through!
This week she started saying some animal sounds.  She can now Baa like a sheep and Moo like a cow!
Cara had a day off school this week for parent/teacher meetings.
Mrs. Chandler (her teacher) said she was doing very well.  One of Cara's favourite things to do is cutting paper!  We draw shapes and she cuts them out.  Lots of little scraps of construction paper around here these days!

February 13, 2012

February fevers

Cara took her camera to school for 'show and tell' on Tuesday.  The subject of the s&t was something that starts with 'C'.  The teacher got her to take a couple of pictures of the kids.  
One of these kids gave us a germ...Cara and Mummy both had fevers and had Strep throat by the end of the week!  Now we are on meds and starting to feel better.  But the lesson here is that all these cute little faces are just breeding grounds for disease!
We get a few little rainbows in the living room every day and Cara likes to catch them.  
And EAT them!
Gwen has avoided getting sick (thankfully!) but she is enjoying the spoils of having a sick sister...ice cream!
And popsicles!
And lots of cartoons and movies!
We are looking forward to not being sick and maybe it will last a whole week and we can get out of the house!!!

February 6, 2012

February days

Both girls had a cold this week.  Cara missed both days of school which made for a long house bound week.  We did have some nice weather though so we got out for a nice walk and enjoyed the spring-like temps.  This has been the best winter we've ever had in Calgary (see the yard - no snow!) and with the groundhogs' predictions we are never going to get much winter this year- yay!
Gwen and the morning sun.
Cara practicing some patience while Mummy plays with the camera.  
We call this "Silhouette of a 3 year old with crazy hair".
Gwen wants to be potty trained before she is 18 months old.  This girl has goals.
**and she'll be so happy that Mummy put this on the internet**
Madame Butterfly
We missed dance class this week to go to Cassidy's birthday party.  They had a face painter and made balloon flowers for the kids.  Cara and Gwen (who did not get painted) had a great time.
Madame Butterfly going to bed.
The paint lasted pretty good and once it was washed off Cara exclaimed "I miss my butterfly!!"