February 28, 2011

2 Cutie Pies

Our 2 sweet little angels :) Are they not the cutest things you've ever seen?
Cara looks suspiciously happy to be sitting so close to Gwen and Gwen appears to have her fist ready to punch someone.

Gwen got all dressed up in a dress...had to get her in it before she outgrew it!
She looks a bit like Little Miss Muffet here with a spider dropping down beside her.

Gwen is Super-Baby!
Cara got a big kick out of seeing Gwen flying.

Cara is serious about eating all of her fruit salad!

Cara is also good at a nose scrunch.

Gwen being adorable.

Pretty in her pink dress.

Getting Eskimo kisses from Daddy :)

February 21, 2011

2 Growing Byrne Girls

Gwen - 14 weeks old.
She can laugh and giggle, hold her hands together, hold and reach for toys. She's trying to roll a bit and she can sit in her bumbo seat!

Speaking of rolls...she has got some rolls! Notice the wrist rolls and ankle rolls! Her rolly-ness makes her very cuddly!

Cara has been showing Gwen how to do things. Like sitting in a chair and holding hands.

And how to shake a rattle!

Little sister "looking up" to her big sister :)

So adorable!

Cara is such a little girl. She likes her cereal in a bowl with milk just like Daddy.

Daddy was trying to have a nap on the couch so Cara brought him a toy to snuggle and then dressed him up like a "clown".

We started making tents with the couch cushions and our couch might never be used in the usual way again! Cara has so much fun! And her hair does fun things too :)

So happy and static-y!

Gwen is so good at napping through a lot of the noise.

February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Gwen's first Valentine's Day - she is our little cupid :)

Cara loves any day that she gets candy!

Cara and Daddy finished their last class of this semester of swimming lessons on Saturday. Cara passed and was very proud of her accomplishment. Just like we are very proud of her!

Gwen had her 3 month check-up with the doctor on Friday. She weighed in at 16lbs! Up 2 pounds from just a month ago! She measured 59.5 cm. She is a very healthy and happy little girl :) She continues to sleep very well at night and is grasping at her toys. She is also laughing alot!

Mummy reading to her girls :)

Cara and Daddy building a snowman! Not much sticky snow around so it was a baby snowman. Cara kept telling us to "shhh" because the baby snowman was sleeping outside! Hopefully we'll get some good snowman snow in the spring and make a really big snowman with her.

Cara and her baby snowman!

This is a first for Cara. Falling asleep on the couch watching TV.
We're all getting a cold and it hit Cara first, poor girl.

Cara's pigtails!

February 7, 2011

Groundhog Day!

We were outside to play in the snow alot this week. Gwen doesn't like the wind so she snuggles in the front carrier with me and Cara rolls around in the snow...careful to avoid the yellow snow.

Balzac Billy (Alberta's "groundhog" - really a guy in a costume) saw his shadow so look for at least 6 more weeks of wintery pictures from us!


Gwen is sleeping very well for us. Napping in the swing and sleeping in her crib with usually only one wake up!

Gwen eying Daddy's pizza.

Cara loves Friday-night-pizza-night! This week was Hawaiian :)

We finally got some hair accesories for Cara's goldi-locks. She is showing off her barrettes here (and she has a ponytail too!) Looks so grown up!

Gwen and her Bear-Bear (thanks Caleb and Lucas!) They are almost the same size!

Cara and Violet (thanks Caleb and Lucas!) She really loves her!