June 9, 2015

May Days

 May started out with a fun new experience - Roller Skating at Lloyd's Rollerrink for a friend's birthday party!
 Cara had so much fun and was a natural!
 Cara with her friend Kyla (the Birthday Girl)
 Cara loved going fast and Gwen loved the loud music!
Kyla and Cara
Gwen dancing to Katy Perry
The roller skating sisters!
 We attended the annual Rock and Gem show.
The girls collected some more cool rocks for their collections and Cara got a couple of ammonites fossils.
 Silly girls in the bubble tub.
 Cara finished up her Soccer season with a tournament.
She and Leah had fun and loved getting medals!
 And certificates!
 Soccer star.
 and sister!
 Gwen has been loving her ballet classes this Spring.
 a May Showers day walking home from school.
 Mother's Day portrait.
 and a silly one :)
 The girls and Daddy brought me breakfast in bed after a sleep-in, some nice presents and Cara even gave me a Magic Show to end the day!
 Gwen hovers over a puddle!
 Gwen had a kindergarten orientation day at school.
She was very happy to get to go to the big school and can't wait for kindergarten to start!
 Gwen in a playground web.
 May long weekend we went on a hike at Big Hill Springs (about half an hour from our house).
 Lots of waterfalls.
 and lots of nature.
 lots of exporing.

 We had a good taste of summer in May too.
 Hot days = sprinkler!
 And our first bonfire of the summer.
 with yummy marshmallows.
 We got in our first trip to Calaway Park too.
 Gwen is taller so she tried out old rides...
 and new rides!  First time on the Pirate Ship!

A super fun time!
May 27 was Aunt Sarah's 40th Birthday.
Daddy kept the girls at home in Calgary and I took a whirlwind 1 day trip to Vancouver to SURPRISE Sarah and with the help of Aunt Deborah - take her to the Barry Manilow concert and with the help of Uncle Jamie - take her out for supper.
The surprise was perfect and we had a great day together and a great girl's night out!
We even got to see some of the Vancouver sites down on the waterfront.

So, that's May!
June will be exciting - we have a visit from Aunt Deborah and family coming up as well as the end of the school year!