February 27, 2009

18 weeks old - can you believe she is 4 months old!?!?!

Well, our little Cara is 4 months old! Where did the time go!?! Although there are moments that seemed long (like those late nights!) the time has really been flying by! Her personality is coming out more and more everyday and she is so fun to have around :)

She had her 4 month shots this week and she was pretty cranky for a few days after - she is finally being more herself today. She weighed 15 lb 5oz and was 25.5 inches long (the length measurements are always weird...she doesn't always stretch out all the way when they measure her but she is sure growing!).

My cousin Andrea came by for a visit to meet Cara this week. She was in Calgary just for the weekend and thankfully had time to come see us! It was a great visit and we got to catch up and Cara got to meet her Aunt Andrea - Andrea will be Aunt Andrea for Cara since that just feels right - we grew up together almost more like sisters than cousins :) Andrea and I have the same birth day (Oct 27) she was my 3rd birthday present and Cara is almost there with us...just a few days early ;)

Cara and Aunt Andrea :)

Sleepy Cara a day or so after her shots

Taking a break from watching the hockey game with Daddy

Goti figured out he can have a quiet place to sleep under the excersaucer :)

February 20, 2009

17 weeks old! She's on a roll!!!

Well, Cara can roll now pretty regularly! She doesn't love being on her tummy so this makes it easy for her to get out of tummy time!

We had a good week this week. Cara saw her first movie on Wednesday (Confessions of a Shopoholic). She enjoyed herself and so did I - it was nice to get out and do something! Every Wednesday the theatre here has a "Stars and Strollers" show so people and can go to the movies with their babies and since everyone has a baby who cries once in awhile there's no need to feel bad :) Cara really enjoyed it since it was like a huge TV - and she loves watching TV!!!

February 13, 2009

16 weeks old - a week of firsts!

Cara had a good week this week. Adam had a one night trip to Ottawa so Cara and I were all alone for a day and a half...we all survived...it was probably hardest on Adam to be away from Cara! And Cara missed her dad, too - I don't think she knew that it was bedtime since she hadn't seen her dad yet.

She's really getting strong and doing lots of "baby pushups" when on her tummy...she rolled over tonight (accidentally we think but still first time!!) She had her first trip to the grocery store and to Costco - she was great at both just looked around at all the stuff :)

The cutest thing she has started doing is talking and laughing at her toys, at the tv, at the wall, at anything! She started it the night Adam was away (I took the video below as proof for Adam!) She hasn't stopped talking since - she woke up the other night at 4 am and laughed and talked to me for 2 hours!! It is alot cuter during the day though ;)

She is "talking" to a frog that hangs from her play mat - she is learning to entertain herself!

She is loving looking at herself and laughing while playing in her excersaucer!

February 6, 2009

15 weeks old

The weeks are starting to zip by! We had a get together with other moms, dads and babies from our "baby class" last Saturday - it was nice to see how the other babies are growing and talk to some other parents. Cara was the biggest and cutest baby there - she was also very well behaved :)

It's been pretty mild here so we've been going out for a few walks which has been nice. Cara was sleeping really good the beginning of the week but has decided to keep us on our toes and has been up more in the last few nights...I got used to the sleeping very quickly! Maybe she is in constant growth spurt mode - she is wearing all of her 6 month size clothes and she's not even 4 months old yet!

We put together her "excersaucer" this week and she's enjoying it...we are running out of room in the living room though - all of this baby gear takes up alot of space!!