November 28, 2011


Gwen's kissy face!  One of her favourite tricks!
Cara's first haircut!  She was ready and very brave!
After the trim she can see without hair in her eyes!  
Gwen looked on with envy :)
Another of Gwen's new tricks is walking the stroller around - which is tricky because if she puts weight on the handles to hold herself up then it tips and they both fall - so walking this around is like walking with only a little bit of support.  She is so happy walking all around!
On Friday evening Cara and Mummy went to her preschool for an activity of making an Advent wreath.  Cara calls it a Birthday cake for Jesus.
Gwen and Cara are getting very excited for Christmas.  Gwen is shouting "Hooray"!

November 21, 2011

Cold week. Short post.

We have had a cold week and we didn't really do anything!  Cara went to school and Gwen practiced walking.  We had a nice dinner at Nana and Howie's house and tried to keep warm as we had -30 windchills.  We didn't take any pictures except the two below this so above are a few Instagram shots from the past month or so. 
Gwen had her 1 year check up and is doing great.  She weighed 23 lbs but I think that is a mistake - we'll get another weight check soon when she gets her shots in a week or two.
Cara had a check up too and she weighs 37 lbs!  And is 1 metre and 1 cm tall!  She is loving school and her hair has become a mop top.  She will be having her first haircut soon!

November 13, 2011

Gwen's 1st Birthday Party x2!

Gwen had her very first Birthday this week.  It is hard to believe that she is 1!  She is still our sweet baby :)
She got to have 2 celebrations one on Wednesday and the other was a party on Saturday!
All set to hear "Happy Birthday" being sung by Cara, Daddy and Mummy!
So enthralled with the candle!  Cara helped with getting enough wind to blow it out!
Birthday Girl did not like having a cupcake.  She didn't even taste it!
Cara loved it though!
Then it was present time.  Gwen loved her gifts - thanks to everyone!  Cara also helped with the unwrapping :)
Saturday we had a party and this is the Butterfly cake that Mummy made.
Freya, Cassidy, Cara and Gwen anticipating the CAKE!
Gwen loved this candle too!  She tasted some cake too but she wasn't that into it.
Birthday Girl and Daddy.  Gwen was a great party hostess and enjoyed more presents and had so much fun with the girls.
Our Gwen :)
She is just so cute!

November 9, 2011

Gwen is 1 year old today!

Gwen is one and we are so happy!  We made it through year one!  
She is so happy (almost) all the time so that makes our job so easy.
She is starting to walk and starting to talk (Mama, Dada, and lots of other babbles that she knows what she's saying!).  She can climb!  The stairs, the toy box, nothing is safe!
She can wave hello and goodbye and blows kisses. She has 4 teeth with others threatening to come through soon.  She gets up 2 or 3 times a night.  She eats all types of food now - she loves pancakes and scrambled eggs.
She is a very special girl and a blessing to our lives.
We love her.
Enjoy this retrospective video!

November 7, 2011

Gwen walks!

We've been practicing walking with Gwen and finally got some steps and caught it on video!  3 days before her first Birthday!
The girls completed their swimming lessons this week and both were very excited to get their report cards!
Cara started preschool this week (with a cold).  She was great and had so much fun with her buddy Leah.
She got up to do her Show & Tell!
And enjoyed her snack!
Survived day 1 and day 2 was even better - I just dropped her off in the classroom and came back at the end of class!  The teacher said she was fine!
Gwen was feeling so much better this week after her cold.  Before walking she discovered that she could climb!  Yikes!  She follows this up with a head-first slither over the arm of the chair.  Don't leave Gwen unattended!!!
We say "Gwen, No no no!" and she says "nonononono".
Cara all dressed up!
We have had snow and it has been very wintery and cold.  We took a winter walk to the playground!
All bundled up!
Be sure to check back on Wednesday for a special Gwen's First Year Retrospective!

November 1, 2011

Birthdays and Halloween...and Croup.

 We celebrated Cara's official Birthday with some leftover cupcakes.  She just loves hearing that Happy Birthday song!
 Gwen just loves eating cupcakes!
 Cara has been having so much fun with her new big girl toys - the Dora is a favourite!  Thanks Caleb and Lucas!
 Everyone was happy to sing Happy Birthday again on Thursday for Mummy!
Gwen getting a pumpkin all ready for carving!
Poor little Gwen was fighting a cold this week that gave her croup :( so we took her to the Dr on Friday.  She is doing much better now but it was worrisome for Mummy and Daddy!
Happy Halloween Jack o Lanterns!  Cara chose the scary face - she loves Halloween!
Gwen the Kitty Cat all ready for Trick or Treating!
Yargh!  Our pirate is ready to collect some treasure!
Cara and Cassidy had a lot of fun trick or treating together!
Gwen had fun too!  It was pretty cold out but she was bundled up in the costume.  She even got some treats!
Checking out the loot!
Gwen likes sorting the candy and throwing it in the pumpkin bucket.  Next year she will know to eat it!