January 31, 2011

A fun wintery week!

Finally some warmer weather (thanks to a chinook that gave us a record breaking +13 one day!) and time to play in the snow making snow angels! Cara was out in the snow alot this week building snowmen and getting wet with the melting snow. Thanks to Nana for getting this great shot!

We spent a day at Nana's house and Cara played with...you guessed it: puzzles!

The best news this week was the arrival of Cara's and Gwen's newest cousin!
Baby Eamon Joseph Anderson was born on January 24 weighing 8lb 11oz!
Welcome to the family Eamon!
(Cara refers to him as her new little brother-cousin)

Gwen Rebekah - 11 weeks
She rolled herself to her side! She rolled to her side, by herself and stayed there for a few minutes. She's only done it the one time but pretty soon she'll be flipping over and over and over!

We tried Gwen out in the Bumbo chair and she was ok for a few minutes...her neck isn't quite strong enough yet for extended sitting times. She is a happy girl though, smiling at her Husky!

It was a nice week until the weekend and that brought a terrible, cold, blowy, snowy, blizzardy mess. We had a snowfall warning from Friday - Sunday morning and a dump of snow. And it is followed by some very cold tempuratures again....-33!
Daddy and Cara made it to swimming class on Saturday though! Cara is getting braver every week and put her whole face in the water this week.

Gwen thought the best place to be was in front of the cozy, warm fireplace :)

Sisters! Gwen can't keep her eyes off Cara!

Baby in a bucket :)
We aren't torturing her, she wasn't crying until the camera came out! She was rescued right away!

Then Cara had a turn with the bucket.

Cara is getting to be a great little helper. She sets the table almost every day for lunch and supper. She loves this chore!

Nana and two of her grand-girls :)

January 23, 2011

A Warmer Week

Sleepy Gwen had another good week. She now sleeping in her own room for the whole night and usually only gets up once for something to eat then back to sleep until 830 or 930. Now we're working on getting her to go to sleep for the night before midnight!

Our friends Rebecca and Leah came over for a playdate this week. Cara and Leah had such a good time together. They were making each other giggle and sharing really well. And of course Rebecca read them some stories!

Gwen 10 weeks old.
Gwen discovered her hands this week and has started staring at them with amazement.

Cara being gorgeous!

Lots of smiles and some giggles from Gwen!

Cara enjoys spaghetti night...A LOT!

Who wore it better???
Left: Cara at 2 months old. Right: Gwen at 2.5 months old.
Gwen fills the outfit out better but who looks cuter in it? How does one decide??

It finally warmed up to reasonable temps this week so Daddy and Cara went for some fresh air and snow time.

Cara and her tiger reading stories.

Cara is amazing at puzzles, really amazing. We picked this puzzle up on Wednesday and by Friday she was doing it by herself so we shot this video so you can all see how awesome she is at it...we sped it up too so it isn't too long! A 25 piece puzzle is no problem for Cara - she'll be doing 1000 pieces in a month or so ;)

January 16, 2011

One cold week

Cara got a gift card from her Great Aunt June and Great Uncle Jack for Christmas. We went to Walmart this week so she could go shopping. She chose this snake. She LOVES this snake. His name is Pumpkin. What 2 year old little girl doesn't love snakes?!?

Gwen had her 2 month shots this week. She handled them like a champ. She weighed in at 14lb 1oz! That is off the charts for a 9 week old! So every baby her age is smaller than she is - but she carries it well :) All in the cheeks!

Cara has been very musical this week playing her xylophone and singing all the time. We've been stuck inside because it is so cold here so Cara has been entertaining Gwen and me.

Gwen has been sleeping well and moved into her crib this week. She's been doing half the night in her crib since her birth but now she's in there all night. She's growing up so fast!

Daddy and his girls Skyping with Nanny and Papa!

Gwen loves her bath! She now bathes before Cara (Cara doesn't like being cramped in the tub) and this week while Cara was helping me wash her, Gwen pooped in the tub! Cara did not like this at all! She's still talking about it!

Cara never pooped in the tub but she did pee in the potty!

We started some potty training with her this week and she's doing really good. Some accidents but some pees in the potty too. If it is anything like sleep-training was it'll take awhile but will work out in the end.

Gwen took her soother this week!

My photo editing program added some new effects features this week and I've kind of been addicted with trying out new effects...if you couldn't tell with all of this week's pictures. I'm sure the novelty will wear off eventually :)

January 10, 2011

Gwen is 2 months old!

Little Gwen is 2 months old! We can hardly believe it! She is growing so much and getting stronger everyday. Cara is excited for her to grow "bigger and bigger and bigger" so they can play together. Gwen goes for her vaccinations this week so we are hoping she handles that well.

Gwen adores Cara and watches her intently while Cara plays and runs around. Just mentioning Cara's name to Gwen gets a smile :)

Gwen apparently has a thing for giraffes.

Mummy and chubby cheeked Gwen.

Gwen hanging out. She is so quiet and easy going. She does spit up in a messy way...hence the burp cloths hanging on her chair!

Smile times with Daddy.

Who me?

Cara playing her first board game "Goodnight Moon". She plays at a 4-6 year old level! She is the best matcher there is. Beats us every time :)

January 3, 2011

Happy 2011!

Cara and her "doll" Gwen in her little doll stroller! This was taken with the camera that Cara got for Christmas!

Gwen is basking in the dawn of the new decade!

Happy New Year Everyone! We are looking forward to all of the exciting changes that will happen this year with Baby Gwen and growing Cara.

Cara found a rouge black crayon and decided to colour the floor....then Mummy decided she had to wipe it up! Luckily it was washable crayon!

We had some more snow this week and some warmer temperatures so Cara and Daddy took the sled out on New Year's Day.

Cara loves playing out in the snow!

Gwen went out for a brief time too. Then fell asleep before I could un-bundle her!

Cara being our cutie-pie!

Modeling the t-shirts our friends gave the girls for Christmas. Cara wasn't in the mood for picture time (or for being so close to Gwen). Gwen is thinking "what is this girl's problem?!?"!