September 12, 2009

46 weeks - GD Family Picnic

Cara had a good week this week, if you don't count a few bad nights of teething and keeping me up half the night! She is doing much better now with the teeth and the sleeping :) The second molar is coming in and the first one is all the way in...she actually chews with it really well! She had her first taste of cow's milk this week and had no ill-effects - we'll gradually give her more over the next month or so and hopefully have a smooth weening experience.

The 3 other babies that were born at my work went to the office for a small shower so Cara and I went in to see them. Cara loved seeing the babies and all of the people. She showed off her standing skills and talking skills - her repertoire now consists of "kitty", "tickle", and "sticky" on top of the usual babble of "dada" and "bababbabababa"!

Today we went to Calaway Park, an amusement park just outside Calgary, for Adam's company's Family Picnic. Cara was able to go on a few rides with us holding her...she did not like the rollercoaster at all!!! just kidding - we went on a train ride, hot air balloons (ferris wheel type thing), the carousel, and an "egg" ride that was sort of like the dumbo ride at Disney (only not quite the same!). She was really good and seemed to enjoy the rides. She nearly fell asleep on the train! It was a fun afternoon. :)

Her first taste of cow's milk and using her sippy cup like a pro!

Practicing walking pushing her highchair around!

Practicing walking with her new walking toy! She is really good :)

The baby boom of Olympia Trust Company in reverse birth order - from 5 weeks to 10.5 months!

With Daddy on her first amusement park ride - the Carousel! She didn't want to sit on a horse though - maybe next time!

First taste of a Creamsicle! No surprise, she liked it!

Walking for Daddy's co-workers!

Giving Daddy a "kiss" - she was actually biting his face! ouch!

The Train (a.k.a. the choo-choo).

Nearly asleep on the train ride.

The hot air balloon ride!

Cara having a good time on the balloon ride!

One the Egg Ride with Mummy!

Getting back to the car after a fun-filled day! She had a great nap on the way home!

1 comment:

  1. love the pics. does she use the walking toy to "walk" to (into) you, like she "kisses" daddy? too cute!

    xox Auntie Sarah
