May 24, 2010

Outside fun!

Cara had some fun outside this week colouring with sidewalk chalk!

She wanted to go colour the street but we caught her before she got there!

Cara rockin' out to her music. We're hoping that she'll happily wear headphones on the plane ride home this summer!

We painted our kitchen this weekend and are happy with the results. Here is Cara posing in front of the new colour. She seems to like it too :)


  1. You can make sidewalk chalk...very easy. I did it as a camp craft a few summers ago. Makes oodles and the kids went crazy for it!

    Here's the deets...
    1 cup Plaster of Paris
    3/4 cup water
    tempra paint for colors - amount varies based on the saturation you want (we used liquid and just cut back on the amount of water but you can get dry tempra paint at Michael's)
    Mix all together, and pour into mold (use toilet paper rolls, paper cups, sand toys)
    Once dry (over night preferably) it is ready to take out of the mold and enjoy!

    We let the kids decorate all the sidewalks at UNB...and I mean ALL the sidewalks. They really enjoyed it and even made swirly chalk by mixing 2 colors in a mold (we used Styrofoam cups)

    Have fun!
    XOXO Aunt Sarah

  2. What nice teeth... adding to such a nice smile...
