October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Cara tried on her costume on Tuesday and wouldn't take it off!! Here she is waiting for Daddy to come home at supper time. She made a cute kitty just like last year :)

Cara thinks that all cakes are Birthday cakes now and sings Happy Birthday every time. She even helped me blow out my candle on Wednesday!

Cara LOVES building big towers with her blocks and Daddy must help. Her favourite part comes next where she knocks it down with her hammer (fist).

Saturday we carved the pumpkin. Cara was not into the guts of the pumpkin. She thought it was gross.

She did like eating it though! She thought it was good....we thought that was gross!

A video of the pumpkin eating!

She was happy with the finished Jack 'o' Lantern though! And didn't eat anymore of it!

All dressed up for Halloween! She practiced knocking on our door a little before heading out with Daddy.

Happy Halloween, Pumpkin!

Off Trick or Treating for the first time!

The Halloween Haul :) She filled her pumpkin with treats!


  1. Wow! What a haul! And what a nice kitty cat! What sound does a kitty make? (Meow) I had no idea that anybody would begin to actually eat a pumpkin! Thanks for these! -- Grampy

  2. Connor & I just watched the abomination of eating raw pumpkin! I think Ewww...but Connor smiled the whole time...maybe he'll try it next year...ICK!
    XO Sarah
