March 21, 2011

St Patrick's Day

Gwen continues to keep rolling...back to front then she is stuck!

She tried out the Jolly Jumper this week too. She is a great jumper!

Cara wanted a turn in the Jolly Jumper...instead we played Ring Around the Rosie!

Cara liked the "all fall down part"!

Happy St Patrick's Day!
All dressed in green!

Cara is a happy Irish Lass!

Gwen in her green St Paddy's diaper!
(to compare with Cara on her first St Patrick's Day click here.)

Byrne girls!

Cara dancing with Daddy!

A video of Cara and Gwen playing "Ring Around the Rosie", some jumping from Gwen and Cara jumping into the couch cushions that were once a tent but she found jumping into the pile of cushions a lot more fun! Enjoy!


  1. Great jumping, Gwen! Keep up the jolly jumping!!

    I especially love Cara's look when Mary says, "Be careful. Don't do that." Cara's looks says, "ah, Mom, I think I know what I'm doing!"

    XO Aunt Sarah

  2. Both Cara and Gwen wear the green well! The rosy (chubby) cheeks are direct from the Emerald Isle! While Cara bubbles over with glee, Gwen remains reserved! Thanks, Grampy
