May 16, 2011

Parental leave week 7 - Gwen is 6 month old!

Robot Cara.

We have had another fun filled week with Daddy being off. It is like summer now so we've been barbequing, going out for walks and to the playground. As well as trips to the library and the movies.

The Byrne Family of Four. 6 Months Old.
We made it and we're smiling!

So our little Gwen is 6 months old. She is eating a variety of things, sleeping so great, had her 6 month shots, weighs 19lb 9oz, is 26 inches long, cut her bottom 2 teeth and can roll front to back and back to front! She is so happy and calm, she is a great traveller and loves her big sister, she loves to be read to and has a great laugh! We can hardly believe that 6 months have already passed - it has gone so fast and at the same time it feels like she's always been here. We LOVE our little Gwenny :)

Cara found a tricycle at a community yard sale and just couldn't leave without trying it which meant we couldn't leave without buying it. She is so proud to ride it around.

She doesn't mind her helmet at all this year.

We'll be doing this a lot this summer.

On Saturday Mummy and Daddy had their first real date night since before Cara was born. We went out to supper with friends then went to see Elton John. It was an awesome concert. Thanks to Nana and Howie for babysitting and getting the monkeys to bed...Gwen still won't drink from a bottle really, but thankfully Nana got her drink from a cup.

Sisters doing push ups.

Cara is really enjoying Gwen's new skills and Gwen really enjoys Cara's encouragement.


  1. Love the new bike, Cara! And I bet Mommy & Daddy love the parent push handle feature :)
    Gwen is too cute. Those cheeks are just too squeezable!
    Hugs to you all -
    XO Aunt Sarah

  2. Teeth! What great news! And the trike is perfect! The robot is a bot scarry though! :) -- Grampy
