September 5, 2011

Goodbye August...Hello September!

We had a rainy and cold week which was a nice change for us. We got all rain suited up and went for a rain walk. We took this video with Cara's little camera. We also rescued 4 worms from the puddles. It was a successful adventure. Then we came inside and warmed up with hot chocolate.

Freya (and her parents) came over for supper and playtime and we all had fun. Freya and Cara play very well and Freya loves Gwen and gives her lots of hugs.

Gwen is cruising the furniture, walking while we hold her hands and walking with the walker! Too soon!!! She might be walking before we get to NB!

Daddy and the girls were playing in the livingroom when I heard a buzzing sound - what could it be? Gwen playing the kazoo! She is going to be a one-woman band one day!!


  1. Love the videos! Gwen on the kazoo reminds me of Connor playing the new vacuum hose (before it got used!!). Enjoy your week with Grampy! I'll start nailing everything down for Gwen's visit now :)
    XO Aunt Sarah

  2. The splashing was reminiscent of Singing In the Rain with Gene Kelley! And as for the Kazoo... it has to be a great instrument! The CBC weekend morning show is sending kazoos to lots and lots of people! But I'm visiting Calgary now and enjoying the girls first-hand! -- Grampy
