July 9, 2013

A Picnic and Some Really Big News!

 Sunday was a fun day.
We went to a new park (Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park) and had a picnic and a hike.
It was a great place to enjoy a beautiful day.
 Mmmmm watermelon!
 Our hike was slow since our two explorers must explore every bit of nature they can!
 We walked down that path then back up it.  It is a lovely park with lots of trails to explore on other days.
 Cara made a ladybug friend.
 A rest on a big rock before our return hike.
And now for the REALLY BIG NEWS!
Gwen has started potty training and it is going so well!  She's beginning to get it and loves the happy dance, sticker and treat she gets for her successes!  The end of diapers is in our grasp!  Yahoo!

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