March 6, 2014

Fairytale Ball

 Cara's whole school  had a Fairytale Ball last week.  All the kids went dressed as a fairytale character and Cara chose Rapunzel (she's been wanting to wear Gwen's Rapunzel wig somewhere since Halloween!)  Gwen was very generous and lent her costume to Cara.
 Cara was very excited - they had been practicing ballroom dancing for the Ball and also all the kids learned the Macarena!
She also learned to curtsy!
The kids did a bit of dancing at the end of the day for the moms.
The wig became a burden during the ball - so Rapunzel had a hair cut!
Daddy makes the most beautiful princess of all though.

We are gearing up for some visitors that are coming - Aunt Sarah and Cousins Connor and Simon are flying over from Vancouver on Saturday for a week.  We are SOOOO excited to see them and meet baby Simon.
Lots of pics will make it to the blog I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. Adam is a beautiful princess, but I think Princess Cara and Princess Gwen are more beautiful. :)
    Have a great visit with Aunt Sarah and the Burnaby Cousins!
