March 26, 2015

February March 2015 Mash up Catch up

 February 2 - our local "groundhog" doesn't see his shadow!
Early Spring on the way!
 Cosmo loves the bathtubs.  He loves water.
He doesn't love falling in the bathtub full of water!
 Cosmo hiding.
Showing off their shirt dresses - thanks, Nana!
 Early Spring doesn't mean no frost.
 February 7 - Cara got a hole in her smile!
 A snow caterpillar, spider, man and kitty sculpted by Cara and Daddy.
 Cara is a Rainbow Loomer!
She makes things by weaving tiny elastics.
 We follow videos online and make all kinds of cool things.
 The girls had a long weekend in February.
We took a walk over to Burger King.
 And had fun at the local library.
 Also on Family Day weekend.
 The girls had fun at an indoor playground.
 Valentine's Day dessert.
 Love Bugs - thanks Aunt Jill for the craft kit!
 Family Day!
We went skating.
 The girls are so good at skating now...better than their parents!
 Then we went to the museum downtown.
 The girls with a knight.
 Then it was back to school days.
Gwen likes puddle jumping on the pathway when we walk to get Cara after school.
 Cara at our playground.
 Gwen hovering!
New day new hat.
 On February 20 Cara was the MC for her class assembly about Friendship.  The school also did their Pink Shirt day with the assembly.
Cara spoke with confidence and did a fantastic job!
sink cat
 February 28
Cara made dinner!

 March 1
We gave the water loving cat a bath.
He didn't hate it!
 Cara got to try out being the goalie at soccer.
 March 11
Gwen's last gymnastics class.
She loves it and improved a lot.
 She'll probably do it again in the fall.
 A blue ribbon - yay!
 Gwen and Sidney at preschool with their elephant ears on!
 We were having spring like weather and decided the birds needed a snack.
So we made some toilet paper roll bird feeders and some chickadees showed up!
 Gwen played in the warm sunshine while Cara was at school.
 She went a bit far with the summer feel.
 March 15
Cara looses her other front tooth!
 Big hole in her smile now!
 March 17
Cara came home early from school sick.
St Patrick's Day spent at a walk in clinic getting a throat swab :(
Tonsillitis stinks.
 Gwen did enjoy her green mashed potatoes!
 Cosmo dangling his legs.
 We had a parent teacher meeting at Cara's school.
We got to see this plasticine picture she made.
March 21
Grampy's Birthday!
The day Calgary was foggy!
 March 26
Cara's on Spring Break this week so we all went to the zoo.
 Dinoaurs Alive is at the zoo and the moving and roaring dinos are so cool.
 This is a super sized T Rex that moves and roars loudly!
Grampy saw this with baby Cara back in 2010!

 Hatching babies with the Iguanadon
 Big girls in the egg.
 Lunch at the zoo with their best buds.
Best part of a zoo trip is the ice cream.

 It was a sunny and warm day and the girls all had fun!
Spring Break is almost over and so is March!
Another update will happen after Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these... Cosmo is a wonder!
    Evidence of Cara's tooth loss will soon be on my COBY wall viewer... an historic "mile stone". (I don't think that "mile stone" has a metric equivalent.)
