December 12, 2015

November 2015 - Gwen Turns 5!!

Fall has arrived in Calgary!  We raked up some of the leaves in the yard and the kids wanted to play in them...

 And then we raked them again!

 Gwen's ballet class has a climbing wall right beside it.  She has been wanted to try it for a while so we had her 5th birthday party there.

 It was a little scarier than she imagined, but she did awesome.

 Cara was a climbing pro!

 Gwen (on the left) is about as high as any kid was willing to go.  It was high even to grown-ups!  Here four buddies are nicely lined up.

Different paths up the wall had different difficulties.  Cara is trying a tricky one here.

Even the grownups got in on the fun!  Freya and her mom.

Gwen with some kindergarten buds.

Daddy climbed to the top.  Here he is looking very competitive (he wasn't really glaring at Leah and Sidney's mom).

There was also a smaller wall that didn't require harnesses.  Gwen liked it because there were lots of tags to grab.

There were 9 kids in all and no one fell to their doom.

After climbing, we headed upstairs to the party room.  The theme was one of Gwen's favourite shows:  Team Umizoomi!

Our little five year old.

We had Team Umizoomi cupcakes.

The seven year olds acted like goofy seven year olds.

Group shot!

The next day was Gwen's actual birthday, so she got breakfast in bed.  This year she managed to stay in bed long enough to enjoy it.

We had another mini party and there were more presents...

and more cupcakes!

Gwen is becoming a candle blowing expert.

We had a real snow at the end of November.  The kids know only to eat the white snow.

And the malls are decorated for Christmas.  The kids have been troopers while shopping for all of their relatives.  With Christmas just around the corner, things are getting pretty festive here.  Stay tuned for the Christmas fun!

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