March 4, 2016

January and February 2016

We had some cold in January - walking home from kindergarten one day we had to take some pics with the hoar frost that formed on the trees.
Freezing fog aftermath is pretty cool.
We gained a new family member in January!
Uncle Jamie and Leah got a sweet little puppy named Kaiya!
A perfect little furry cousin :)

So fuzzy and snuggly - the girls really love getting to play with her.
Cara started some climbing classes. (at the same wall Gwen had her birthday party)
Gwen started another dance class too.
These girls love having a bubble bath.
The girls started skating lessons at the end of January.
They hadn't skated since last year so we went for a family skate one weekend to make sure the skates still fit!
Cara is still speedy and Gwen likes it - except for the wearing a helmet part.
Cosmo is doing great - sheds a lot!
It was warming up and we waited for the snow to turn "sticky".
Finally the conditions were right and snow creatures had to be made!
And giant snowballs had to be rolled.

One day after school Cara and Leah made this nice snow man.
That night the Chinook Winds started up...
by morning he looked like a skeleton!
And the next day he was practically gone!
This was the start of a whole month of above average temps!
January was Literary Month at the girls' school.
To finish it off they had a "Dress As Your Favourite Literary Character" day.

Gwen chose Wendy from Peter Pan!
Cara chose Thea Stilton - The sister of Geronimo Stilton.
Dentist check ups went well.
Gwen enjoyed the flouride :)
Both kids still cavity free!
Groundhog Day - Our local guy Balzac Billy called for an early Spring!
Cara made it to the top of the 2 story climbing wall!
Chinese New Year - Happy Year of the Monkey
Cara made this Chinese Dragon to celebrate.
Family Day weekend  - Daddy took a couple days off work and the girls had an extra long weekend.
We started our fun with a trip to the zoo.
We met the new baby penguin! He's furry and bigger than his parents!
Gwen finished a unit in school about penguins so she was very interested this visit.
The rare headless Emperor penguin!
It was International Hippo Day that day and the hippos were given watermelons to celebrate.
It was fun watching them smash the melons.
This lion was warm and wanted an ice cream cone.
These fruit bats were very the day time!
Such a gorgeous day the flamingos were out!
The flamingos are always a favourite.
We saw all our favs.
Cara was excited to see the bison!
Penguin love!
Wouldn't be a trip to the zoo without a pic with this statue.
Cara the bear!
Valentine's Day
We took the kids to an indoor play place (their dream come true)!
The 15th we went to Monster Mini Golf
We played lots of arcade games while we waited our turn to golf.
The whole mini golf area was black light and halloween themed.
We had lots of fun!
The 18th hole was this clown - you had to hit the ball into his mouth.
Then we went skating!
It was a very fun filled weekend.
The next weekend we went to the Glenbow Museum and saw some funky exhibits.
A stuffed buffalo.
Train car exhibit.

February 23 was Gwen's 100th day of Kindergarten.
She filled a jar with 100 pom poms for a school project.
Kaiya the ewok puppy came for a visit.
Mary made her an ewok hood!
This warm winter just keeps going.
The last week of February and Gwen is in shorts and no sleeves because it was +17 Celsius!
Who needs snowmen and hot chocolate?!
Not Gwen!

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