November 1, 2016

September 2016

 September means back to school but not before some more summer fun.  Spray parks were still running so we took a trip to cool off.
 Sisters goofing off for the camera.
 We also took a trip to Calaway park on a much chillier day.
 The girls were very anxious to meet their new cousin.  Gwen gives her prenatal hugs.
 Cosmo had his second birthday so we got him a cat bed.  It took some catnip, but he eventually figured out that it is a very comfy place to snooze.  He sleeps in it almost every night now.
 We took a trip to the Sun Maze since it was in bloom.  Here are some flower children.
 The kids like exploring the old grain silo.
 They moved the maze this year and joined it with the corn maze.
 There were some random things in the maze that did not help with the trivia game.  But it was fun anyway.
 The girls may be getting tall, but they are still not as tall as sunflowers!
 Even Cara gets dwarfed.
 It was a crisp, beautiful day in Bowden.
 Afterwards, we hit the U-Pick.  The kids love picking veggies, from our garden or anywhere.
 It was pretty picked over, but we got some nice red flesh potatoes.
 We also got some onions and green beans.
 We missed out on the Calgary Corn Maze this year (it snowed the day we planned to go!) so this is our How Tall This Fall? pic.
 Cara found this heart-shaped potato.
 First day of Grade One for Gwen!  Striking a pose in her new duds.
 Cara looking a lot older than almost 8!
 The girls play together at school at recess when they can.
 First day of Grade One and Grade Three.
 Cara's friend was in her class so she was happy.
 And Gwen's bud was in her class too!
 Watching Gwen go in for Grade One was hard, but she is doing great!
 Gwen is a big Dolly Parton fan just like her mom, so they had to see her at the Saddledome.
 The seats were good and Gwen stayed awake for the whole thing!
 It was amazing and Dolly still has her voice.
 Gwen was exhausted by the end of the 2.5 hour concert, but she loved it!  She sang Gwen's favourites 9 to 5 and Coat of Many Colors.  Gwen wore her Poncho of Many Colors in honour of Dolly.
 The girls hit Calaway Park again with just their Dad and had a fun time.
 The Halloween decorations are always a big hit.
 They had fun going on tamer rides with Dad.

And they met some new friends!
 The girls were invited to a baby shower for their new niece and had a good time playing some games with Leah.
 They also helped with the gifts.
 The girls' school had its annual Terry Fox Run.  Mary got to go volunteer to walk with the Grade 3 kids around the neighbourhood.  They went 3 km and did great!
And she got back to the school just in time to catch the Grade 1 kids doing their run!  A fun day for everyone and a great cause.

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