November 9, 2011

Gwen is 1 year old today!

Gwen is one and we are so happy!  We made it through year one!  
She is so happy (almost) all the time so that makes our job so easy.
She is starting to walk and starting to talk (Mama, Dada, and lots of other babbles that she knows what she's saying!).  She can climb!  The stairs, the toy box, nothing is safe!
She can wave hello and goodbye and blows kisses. She has 4 teeth with others threatening to come through soon.  She gets up 2 or 3 times a night.  She eats all types of food now - she loves pancakes and scrambled eggs.
She is a very special girl and a blessing to our lives.
We love her.
Enjoy this retrospective video!


  1. Great video!! Happy Birthday Gwen! Wish we could spend it with you.

    xo Uncle Jamie & Leah

  2. This video is AMAZING!!!! We especially loved the lauging in the jolly jumper part! What great memories you have of Gwen's first year...we all hope to be together with you guys really soon. xoxo love ya! Jill and the gang

  3. What a fun retrospective! I don't think I can download it... so I willhave to return to watch it over again. Gwen certainly is a blessing! -- Grampy

  4. Great video! Just watched it all. She is amazing!! XO Aunt Sarah
