November 13, 2011

Gwen's 1st Birthday Party x2!

Gwen had her very first Birthday this week.  It is hard to believe that she is 1!  She is still our sweet baby :)
She got to have 2 celebrations one on Wednesday and the other was a party on Saturday!
All set to hear "Happy Birthday" being sung by Cara, Daddy and Mummy!
So enthralled with the candle!  Cara helped with getting enough wind to blow it out!
Birthday Girl did not like having a cupcake.  She didn't even taste it!
Cara loved it though!
Then it was present time.  Gwen loved her gifts - thanks to everyone!  Cara also helped with the unwrapping :)
Saturday we had a party and this is the Butterfly cake that Mummy made.
Freya, Cassidy, Cara and Gwen anticipating the CAKE!
Gwen loved this candle too!  She tasted some cake too but she wasn't that into it.
Birthday Girl and Daddy.  Gwen was a great party hostess and enjoyed more presents and had so much fun with the girls.
Our Gwen :)
She is just so cute!


  1. Birthday Cup Cakes AND a Birthday Butterfly Cake! Can it possibly get better than that? I think not! These are great shots and will provide long lasting memories! The video was an especially dramatic highlight! Thanks! -- Grampy

  2. She IS cute :)
    XO Aunt Sarah
