January 23, 2012

Dance Dance Dance!

We have a routine around here and part of that routine is evening dancing.  After supper we turn on some dancing tunes and Cara and Gwen (and Daddy and Mummy) dance!
Cara's favourite song is "Witch Doctor".
Gwen's favourite song is "Along Came Jones" (from an old K-tel collection that Daddy remembers from when he was little).
It is a great way to get the last bit of energy out before bed time!
Cara also started ballet classes for "tiny ballerinas" at our city rec centre.  It is 45 min of cuteness.  Cara had a blast and was a maniac on the dance floor!
Gwen is still teething pretty hard.  The 4th molar is practically through and we noticed a surprise front tooth was all the way through this week so she is up to 9 teeth and very rosy cheeks!
Last weekend Howie & Nana brought Cara's new big twin bed over.  Cara has been very happy sleeping in it and hasn't fallen out at all!  She was getting very big for her little toddler bed and now she can actually roll over easily in her big bed.  
Gwen all ready for bed and puckering for a good night kiss!
She now can say "night night" and also has added "ara" (for Cara) to her vocabulary.
**warning parental bragging**
So Cara was in her tent and brought in Gwen's blocks.  Daddy and Mummy were talking then Cara says "Mummy, I spelled Cara! How do you spell Mom?" So we watched her find the M O and turn a W upside down to be another M.  Such a smart girl!
**bragging now complete**


  1. Such rosy cheeks! And such fun on the dance floor! I know Uncle Jamie will enjoy getting to know the girls when he is there soon. Thanks for sharing. -- Grampy

  2. Bragging totally allowed and expected! Bravo Cara on spelling and dancing. So sweet. Look forward to ballerina videos too. Congrats on the big girl bed. And congrats to Gwen on so many teeth! Hopefully she's more agreeable to the teething process than Connor currently is. He does not like it anymore ;)
    Big Hugs from NB!
    XOOX Aunt Sarah
