March 12, 2012

Half Winter Half Spring

We had 2 seasons in one week this week!  On Wednesday we got bundled up and played in the big piles of snow that fell on Monday and Tuesday.  Cara and Gwen sat for a photo but watched some geese flying and honking overhead.
Big sister "played" with little sister by scooping snow on her head...
...little sister still thinks this kind of thing is funny!
Gwen also discovered the joy of eating snow.  She would dip her fingers in the snow then lick each one and say "mmm"!
By the weekend the snow was practically all gone and it was great spring weather!  We went to the playground for the first play of 2012!
Cara loves her playground!
So does Gwen!  She is so brave sliding all on her own - at the bottom she just flips over and gets down and walks to the steps to do it all over again!
She still loves the swings too.
And Cara is getting good at the big kid swings...her legs are sooo long!
Cara talking to Daddy on the playground phone.
Gwen and Daddy having a swing!


  1. Connor and I looked at this together tonight. He called all the Cara and Gwen photos "Connor". He must know they're family. Also, Adam is now affectionately known to Connor as "The Daddy".
    XOX Sarah & Connor

  2. I know that playground! Playing in the playground and in the snow all in one week is something that you'd miss if you weren't in Calgary. Cara and Gwen both seem to be happy with and without snow. -- Grampy
