September 11, 2012

Calgary Corn Maze

This weekend we went to the Calgary Corn Maze for our annual visit.
The girls have grown alot since last year!
We saw a mama donkey.
And her baby donkey.
The girls with the mama donkey.
We watched some 3 week old pigs race!
Gwen got to meet her current favourite farm animal: the "bock bock"!
And she got to do the twist with a goat!
They all climbed a big pile of dirt for a fast slide!
We all got to have a nice wagon ride through the corn field.
After some air pillow jumping Cara did a fantastic reverse somersault dismount!
And we went through the kids' corn maze.  There were 5 colour stations in the maze to find and colour a finger with - then you matched your colour order on a chart at the exit to show an activity to do.  This colour combo = jump like a kangaroo!


  1. That baby donkey is adorable!!

  2. Pigs racing! That's like "when pigs fly"! The Corn Maze "measure is a great tradition for growth! Thanks. - Grampy
