September 17, 2012

First Day of School

Our big girl had her first day of preschool on Tuesday!  She is going Tuesday and Thursday mornings so we are all still adjusting to the new routine but we'll get used to it soon.  Cara had a great first day.
Gwen really wishes she was old enough to go to school too.
The only tears at the door were from Gwen!
Cara is back at the same school as last year and her friends Leah and Binudhi are in the class too.
3 amigos reunited!
Gwen is the 4th amigo during the post school running around time!

1 comment:

  1. The first day of school is a photo-op day! And these photos will make a wonderful record! Cara and Gwen are beautiful! And I know that knoll! -- Grampy
