February 20, 2013

Family Day

 Gwen got a cold this week and was wheezing quite a bit.  So off we went to the doctor on Saturday.  The doc gave us some puffers to give her and we had to watch her breathing closely for a day (in case we needed to go to the hospital).  Gwen reacted well to the puffers so no need for a hospital trip!  She had puffers as an infant and we had an old mask/spacer so that one we gave to baby and Gwen liked giving baby meds.  Gwen did not like getting meds herself in a new mask/spacer!  Two person job to hold her down!  Poor thing :(
She is much better having had the puffers though and we are happy she is better :)
Family Day 
Daddy still has to work on Family Day here.  Jamie had the day off school though so he came to hang out with us.  Gwen was happy to see him and cuddle too.

We had a nice Valentine's Day and Cara had fun passing out Love Bug cards at school.  We made a yummy cake to have and have all overloaded on chocolate!  Cara is now counting down the days to Easter!

Didn't get any pics of Cara this week so here is a video of her skating from last week.  They play music for the skaters and she skates very very slowly!  Enjoy!

We will start taking more pictures!


  1. OMG! Love the video- how cute and her smile at the end says it all :) So glad Gwen is feeling better-thanks for skyping yesterday-miss you all! xoxox Jill

  2. Tell Gwen that Connor says puffers are fun. He LOVES when he needs them. Obviously a sign of having had them for a year or two. ;)
    Hugs to the girlies.
    xo Aunt Sarah

  3. Jamie and Gwen look cozy... Grampy
