February 4, 2013

Groundhog Says Early Spring!

We were so happy to hear that Balzac Billy - our local "groundhog" (a guy in a suit!) - did not see his shadow on Saturday morning!  The early Spring is welcome to come anytime now!
We celebrated by going to the Bird Sanctuary to see it during the winter.
Chickadees were dive bombing us trying to get the girls' goldfish crackers!
 Cara was hoping there would be more birds to see since in the spring and summer we usually see a good variety.
 "Chickadee-dee-dee" translates to "I'm going to get your crackers, little girl!"
 We were not attacked and got to see a few birds (ducks, geese, magpies, crows and the chickadees)
Gwen got to stomp in some freshly melted puddles.
This is Cara playing "Costco".
She set up a little table in the kitchen with cookie samples and made us come through for a taste.
We bought 4 cases!
Cara had a couple of milestones this week.  We registered her for kindergarten at the school - she got to see the classroom and is pretty excited about it.  Also, we moved her out of her car seat into a booster!  Now she says she feels like she is in California since that's what she rode around in in Aunt Jill's van!  Haha!


  1. Kindergarten already?? Alright! An exciting time :) If Alberta is California, then I need to go there ;)
    Hugs, Aunt Sarah

  2. I bet you used your new telephoto to get these great photos! Grampy
