August 20, 2013

Pre-Vacation and Vacation!

 We have been vacationing! So sorry for the break in postings!
Before we left on vacation we had a fun trip returning to the zoo (a portion is now open that was not affected during the floods) and a trip to Calaway Park (with special guest: Uncle Jamie!). 
So we'll cover that stuff and the start of our road trip to Radium Hot Springs, BC in this post.

Above - Gwen uncovered a dinosaur in a sand box that the zoo has set up in the Prehistoric Park section (a bunch of dinosaur statues that Cara loves to see).
 Cara and Leah pose at the Penguin exhibit.
 Inside we got to see the new baby penguin (with its parents who are so protective that the keepers can't see if it is a boy or girl yet!).  This was when baby was one month old.
 A great shot of Gwen and her curls.
 Leah and Cara putting on a show in the Canadian Wilds (the other section that is open - the island where the "good" animals are is still closed).
It was a fun day at the abbreviated zoo - lots of animals being active and we stretched it out to almost the full day with the help of Leah, Sidney and Rebecca.
 A couple of days before we left on vacation we went to Calaway Park with Jamie!
Cara got to go on 2 new to her rides - this was the first one - the Swings!
Cara and Mommy sat on a double seat and Jamie beside us - super fun and we went twice in a row!
 Gwen got to drive Daddy around while we were on the swings!
 The spinning balloon ride was next - the girls love it!
 Jamie and Gwen waiting for the train ride.
 Mommy, Gwen and Jamie with Daddy and Cara behind us - choo choo!
 Cara's other new to her ride - super fast, round and round thing that was a lot of fun!
 Daddy and the girls on the Egg Ride to finish the day!
Then we had to pack for our trip!
 We left Monday August 12 for the 3 hour drive to Radium Hot Springs, BC.
We stopped in Banff for a planned picnic at lunch time - in the rain :( with not a covered picnic table in sight.
We made the most of it and after everyone ate something in the car we put on the rain coats and took a walk to see Bow Falls.
 Only a slight drizzle now!
 We went to the smoke shop in Banff and got the kids their first pack of cigs!!! 
Hahah!  We went to the candy store and loaded up with fun stuff for the trip - Popeye Candy Sticks (as they are called in 2013) were a hit!
 To get to Radium you drive to Castle Mountain and take a left.
 Where you enter Kootenay National Park and pass the Great Divide!
Cara was in Alberta while Gwen was in BC!
Daddy was half and half!
 The sun came out and we had a nice drive - we stopped at Olive Lake for a short walk in the woods to a lake.
 Olive Lake
Very very clear water.
 Gwen collected sticks and rocks.
 Olive Lake 
From another angle.
The water was so clear you could see the fish swimming around!
We made it to Radium and into our nice 2 bedroom condo.
We had supper and got the kids to bed late!
Gwen got to sleep in a real big girl bed in the same room as Cara!
Everyone was ready for a good sleep!
We had a lot to do in the week ahead and sunny days on the forecast!

The rest of the vacation will be up this week!

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