August 2, 2013

VBS, Birthdays and Running a Race

***sorry for the late post!  It is summer and we are having so much fun!***
Cara was in Vacation Bible School last week and had a great time. It was held at her preschool and some of we friends were in her class. She loves Bible stories and learned a lot. The last day they had a concert that Gwen, Mommy and Daddy went to. She was great at doing the sign language to Jesus Loves Me.
Tuesday was Daddy's birthday so we made him some cupcakes and the girls helped draw pictures on them. They made a big banner to celebrate the day and we had fun sparklers on the cupcakes. 35 is fun!

Wednesday was a big day - the girls got a new cousin!  Simon Eli McIntyre was born!  He looks like a real cutie.

Friday after the VBS picnic lunch we took the girls to Calaway Park!  It was a fun afternoon and a nice day.

 Saturday Mommy and Cara had races to run!
 Mommy had her second 5k and Cara was in her first race - a 1k but for her age group was more of a 1/2 k. It was an early morning to get there in time and we got to listen to a a real Olympic gold medal winner talk and then it was race time.
  Mommy got a faster time (down a minute!) and then at Cara's race was super fast.  She'd made a friend during mommys race and when they said 'go' the friend took off and Cara chased her around the trail to the finish line. Her time for a 1\2k was 2:40! Zoom!
 Post race snacks for the supporters!

 Cara pre-race.  She felt pretty cool to have a number and was ready to go.

Daddy and the girls saved this dragonfly who was injured at the nearby playground while Mommy was running. Cara said he was very thankful.
Sunday was our friend Sidney's 2nd birthday - so we went to her party and of course the girls had a great time.

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