July 10, 2018

May and June 2018

We did some Geocaching  - Gwen did some at Brownies and wanted to show us how it works.

We got the app and found some caches.

We even found the one Gwen's Brownie unit hid.

Cara got to participate in the Advancement ceremony for Guides.  She helped welcome the Brownies coming up to Guides next year.

Then she had cake!

Mother's Day was wonderful as usual.
Cara made Mom some yummy soap at school and some 3D creations she made with her pen.

Gwen wrote Mom this great poem.

Mother's Day is also the day we told them about our vacation this summer!

We went for a walk in the Bird Sanctuary.
The girls gave Mom a pocket bird guide so we can identify common birds easily.

We saw lots of deer this visit.

They are not scared of people - they know they are in a safe place.

We watched this guy leave his tree hole.

And we saw this big Raven swooping around.

A beautiful Mother's Day!

Gwen's class went on a 5 day field trip to Vivo (a rec centre in our community) for Healthy Living School.
Mom got to go volunteer every day of the trip and we had lots of fun.

One day we went to the lake and sketched.

And listened to and saw Red Winged Black Birds.

One day was rainy...and we walked to and from Vivo...Cara was waiting for us after school.  Reading in the rain!

The Royal Wedding!
The girls wanted to get up and watch it live so we got up very very early and had tea in our fine china.

Another geocaching adventure at Nose Hill Park.

We were unprepared for the mosquitos...so many bites!  We had to cut our adventure short since we were being eaten alive!

May long weekend was the opening of Calaway Park.

We had a little visit to one of our favourite places.

Finishing with ice cream of course!

Gwen's class did their annual week of In line skating.

Gwen's school's annual spring dance this year was Hawaii theme!

Gwen and Sophie

They had a great time - so much dancing and popsicles!

Gwen even won one of the door prizes!

4 passes to Flying Squirrel!  Indoor trampoline place.

Last weekend of May was the Festival of Quilts at Heritage Park.

Another gorgeous day and another one of our favourite places.


Gwen went to school.

So many nice quilts.
Gwen's favourite looked like her class pet hamster!

Cara's favourite - a fruit bat made of fruit prints!

The farm turkey put on a show for us too!

Gwen finished up her Brownie year and got more badges!

Sister morning snuggles.


First weekend in June had Cara tenting with Guides for 2 nights!
They were near the mountains and it frosted both nights!

Gwen had her end of year Voice and Piano Recital.

She did great!

Getting dressed up means....photo shoot!

Pretty in Pink!

Bike to School Day!
Cara's been biking to and from school for the last couple weeks so it was just another day for her!

Gwen and Mom biked to school too!  

Gwen and her friend had fun on the last day of their Vivo field trip.
 They made a snack - here is Gwen's healthy flavoured water she made!

Cara biked in her school's triathalon.
She was on a team - one guy swam, one guy ran and she biked.

She did great!

Cara and her teammates.

Cara's class went to Heritage Park for a field trip.

Not all fun and games...some work in their sketchbooks.

Cara and Parker on the bus ride.

Cara's school had "Taste of the Arts" night.
They showcase lots of Arts with performances and displays.

Cara's music class sang as a choir.

She joined Drama Club so she got to perform in their play.

She was a Narrator.

She did a great performance!

Gwen went to Brownie Camp and brought Mom along as a parent volunteer!
2 nights in the woods!

We didn't sleep in a teepee...

We slept on bunks - Gwen loves a top bunk.

They learned how to put up a tent.

Gwen got a splinter.

We made bannock over the camp fire. 

The girls made spray tie dye shirts - this is Gwen's.

We went on a little hike.

Gwen made the juice for supper.

So many marshmallows...

....to make Smores!
We had lots of fun camping!

The elementary school's annual Stampede Breakfast - Gwen got dressed appropriately.

Cara came from the pancakes!

Checked out the fire truck before school.

Gwen and Cara went to a friends birthday party - a skating party!

Father's Day - the girls love giving presents!

It was beautiful so we went on a picnic.

Daddy and his girls.

Rockin the boat!

Night before the last day of school!

Dreams of summer!

Last day of school
Cara biked with friends to and from school - she's so independent!

Gwen's last day of grade 2!

Gwen and her friends since kindergarten.

After school - Cara Sophie and Gwen.
Now bring on SUMMER!

We spent our first day of summer vacation going to Calaway Park with Leah and Sidney!

The day threatened rain so the crowds were low - they got on so many rides with no waits!

It was cold but we did the log ride anyway.

Sidney and Gwen were ride buddies.

Leah and Cara are getting older and just wanted to do things by themselves!
Including the Floss!

At least these 2 still want a mom to ride with them!

Almost grade 5ers!

4 dragon friends.

Ended our Summer Vacation celebration with the required ice cream!

Nana was here for a visit and headed back to NB at the end of June - always fun to see Nana!

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