May 30, 2018

April 2018

 April 1
The Easter Bunny left many clues for the girls and had them running all over the house!

 Lots of candy with the clues too.

The Bunny even hid some in Mom's yarn...

...and in the cold!!!

And the garage! 

After collecting all the clues the girls had to decipher a code using a book and page numbers...great teamwork! 

The final clue led them to the basement in the cooler for their baskets!

The Bunny really makes them work!

But it's worth it!

When Easter falls on April Fools Day - there has to be some tricks...

...frozen juice!

Hoppy Easter

Bunny Cara

Uncle Jamie and Aunt Leah brought Amelia over for Easter fun.

The girls love their cousin.

Easter weekend had a sister sleep over.

Sledding with their BFFs

It seemed like Spring was never going to come but then we saw a Robin and had some hope!

Gwen went to a 2 night Brownie Camp and we had Amelia come for a day while her parents moved their stuff to their new house!

Cara had Leah over for a sleepover while Gwen was away.

Gwen returned!  Her camp was Hawaii Luau theme - fitting for the snow storm that weekend.

Mom made some Hearts for Humbolt and Gwen took one to her teacher.

We went to Aggie Days to see the animals and agriculture.
Llamas and Alpacas

The big tire is shrinking or the girls are growing....

The size of a small horse!

And a pony!

Horse insides on display.

Calgary Gothic

Nine year old humour!

We also went to check out Supertrain!  A display of train sets that is huge!
So much detail showcased in many scenes.

Lego Calgary with the C train running around downtown.

April 16 Gwen's walk to school
Big Heavy Sad Snow

But then it was Spring!
We went to see if any birds were back at the Bird Sanctuary.

We saw a Wood Duck

A Merganser female...Tina Turner!

Mom got to go with Cara's class on a Field Trip to a Landfill and the new state of the art compost facility.

The bus drove us up onto the landfill cell.
It was a neat field trip.

Gwen and her Brownie Unit went Geocaching.

Gwen and her class did a unit on plays and she performed as the wife in The Elves and the Shoemaker.
Mom got to go see a performance.

She did great!

April is always Calgary Expo!
The girls cosplayed again this year. 

Cara was Raven and Gwen was Starfire
Both from one of their favourite shows - Teen Titans GO!

They had a great time and looked great in their costumes.

Met with R2D2 and a Stormtrooper

Moana and Maui

Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy from SpongeBob!

A Transformer


Ghost Rider

We had some time to wait before the kids Costume Contest so we hung out outside for a bit.

Met with a Samurai Darth Vader

Little Raven and Starfire met Big Raven and Starfire!

Ran into a family all in Star Wars cosplay.

Backstage of the Costume Contest the girls met a Cyberman.

Getting ready for the stage!

Out on the big stage with the paparazzi!

After the show it was late and we were ready to go home.

The Expo photographers got some great shots of them on stage.

Back home we took some pics out in the backyard.

In full character!

Cara using her powers to make Gwen fly!

Another fun year at the Expo - they are already planning their costumes for next year!

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