October 3, 2008

Dr Appointment #10

Another Friday another trip to the Dr's office. We had our regular check up today. Baby Byrne's heartrate was good, my blood pressure was good, my measurement wasn't bigger (!!!!) so it looks like she took a break from growing for a week ;)

I'm having some swelling in my feet/ankles - the doctor compared them to the pilsbury doughboy! She was glad that today was my last day of work so that now I can stay off my feet and keep them up. Edema is normal and since my blood pressure is fine then there isn't anything to worry about...just an added joy of carrying a hefty baby around!

The results from the ultrasound are what we already knew - she is a bit big and is on track to be 9lbs at least at 40 weeks. Or she could slow down the growth and just be over 8lbs. Big baby either way. The doctor said they may send us for another ultrasound closer to the due date to check on the size again.

We pre-booked our next 3 appointments that will take us to 40 weeks - we are still hoping that she decides she's ready to be born before that! We're getting very excited to meet her :)

1 comment:

  1. yipppeeee...glad to hear all is well! hang in there and put those feet up Mary!Before you know it, she will be here....xo Jill
