June 6, 2010

A look at Baby Byrne#2 and planting flowers!

Cara had a good week - ate a lot as usual! She is very good at feeding herself now.

One of her newest pass-times is playing dress-up. Notice the mismatched shoes, purse and hat choice :) She did get in the bike trailer again this week with the helmet on and rode around a bit...having a cookie with her helped.

City-girl plays in the dirt.

We planted some flowers in pots to add some colour to the step. This is the brightest of the bunch!

Watering the freshly planted flowers.

Cara inspecting a ladybug on a plant. She loves bugs!

On Friday we had the 18 week ultrasound for Baby Byrne #2. Here is a bit of 3D video of it - quality is a bit off since the placenta is in the way but you can see the baby sucking his/her thumb. Baby Byrne #2 wasn't cooperating so the gender is unknown...we're hoping we get another chance to find out before November!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool video of Baby #2.

    I really love the flowers you planted in the large round pot. It is especially pretty. What kind are they and can I get them in NB?? Maybe it's only available for 1 week a year :)

    XO Aunt Sarah
